
Listen to what I repeat and initiate

ألا فاسمعا لي ما أعيد وما أبدي

1. Listen to what I repeat and initiate
What happened to me was neither to Amr nor Zayd

١. ألا فاسمعا لي ما أعيد وما أبدي
جرى ما جرى لي لا لعمرو ولا زيد

2. The means have been cut off for me among my followers
And my country has come near, near my family and friend

٢. تقطعت الأسباب لي بين شيعتي
وقرب بلادي قرب أهلي وذي ود

3. And I have become wanted in the easiest way in it
The likes of me are claimed by the honored and glorious

٣. وأصبحت مطلوبا بأيسر ما به
تطالب أمثالي ذوي العز والمجد

4. And my blood pressed me to claim its debt
And swore either money or shedding what was shed

٤. وضايقني فدم يطالب دينه
وأقسم إما المال أو سكب ما خدي

5. And from the evil of my planning and bitterness of my luck
I approached a fool who turns with hostility

٥. ومن سوء تدبيري وشقوة طالعي
قصدت سفيها قد تقلب بالضد

6. So I greeted him while my heart was in agony
Boiling, and the Lord of the religion behind me like a lion

٦. فحييته والقلب مني في لظى
يثور ورب الدين خلفى كالفهد

7. He smiled at me until his fang appeared
With which he deceived me when I said he was a friend

٧. تبسم لي حتى بدا نابه الذي
به غرني إذ قلت إنه ذو ود

8. So I confessed to him reluctantly with what had afflicted me
And what my heart contained of grief and misery

٨. فبحت له قسرا بما قد أصابني
وما ضمه قلبي من الحزن والنكد

9. But then that face changed for a while into another
Gloomy, and the gaze looking from afar

٩. فبدل ذاك الوجه حينا بآخر
عبوس وصار الطرف ينظر عن بعد

10. And we walked together when we entered the
Shop of nobles noisy like lions

١٠. وسِرنا معاً لمَّا دَخلنا سَويَةً
لِمتجَرِ أشرَافٍ جَحَا جَحَةٍ أُسدِ

11. And even if they didn't know what would happen
But they sensed some of what I had

١١. وإِن كَانوا لَم يَدرُوا بما هو وَاقعٌ
ولكنَّهم قد أدرَكقوا بعَضَ مَا عِندي

12. So the dog turned away from me intentionally in front of them
And I thought dogs were faithful among people

١٢. فأعرَضَ عنِّي الكلبُ قَصدا أمامَهم
وعَهدِي بأنَّ الكلبَ في الناسِ ذو عَهدِ

13. And he left without answering me with a word
Other than his rejection of what ignorance commanded him

١٣. وقد راحَ بَعد لم يُجبِني بكِلمَةٍ
سَوَآ صدِّهِ ما أمَرَّهُ من صَد

14. I forgot what had been loyalty because of my sorrow
For what happened was more painful for the slave

١٤. نَسيتُ الذي قد كانَ بي لكآبتِي
فما قد جَرَى أنكَى وأوجعُ للعَبد

15. And nothing deceived me except that I knew him
A friend of my eminent brother and the unique scholar

١٥. وما غَرَّني إلا لكَونِي عَرفتُه
صديقَ أخي العلياءِ والعَلَم الفردِ

16. So say to me of the wonders of our time
You see the opposite sometimes gathered with the opposite

١٦. وغلا فقُل لي مِن عجَائب دَهرِنا
ترَى الضِّدَّ أحيانا تَجَمَّعَ بالضِّ

17. An ignorant fool made me drink a cup of humiliation
With it I have lost sanity

١٧. سَقاني سَفيهُ الإسمِ كأسَ مذلَّةٍ
دِهَاقا بها قد صِرتُ مفتقد الرشد

18. And it wouldn't have harmed him if he had answered me
With a cheerful face with apology for my purpose

١٨. وما ضرَّهُ لو أنه قد أجابَنِي
بِوجهٍ بشُوشٍ ذي اعتذارٍ على قَصدي

19. I would have excused him, he doesn't know nobleness and riches
And that is inherited from the father and grandfather

١٩. عَذرتُه لم يدرِ المكارمَ والنَّدى
وَذلِكَ موروٌ عن الأبِ والجدِّ

20. So the world narrowed on me and its expanse became
Like a tiny dot under my blackened eye

٢٠. فضَاقت بىَ الدنيا وصارَ فضاؤُها
كنُقطَة شيءٍ تحتَ عينَي مُسَوَّد

21. But if its rings are firmly clasped
Relief comes freely without intention

٢١. ولكِن إذا ما استُحكِمَت حَلَقاتُها
أتَى الفَرَجُ المرجُوُّ عفواً بلا قَصد

22. Oh how Allah disgraced the vile ones and whoever
Came to them even if the matter led to punishment

٢٢. ألا قبَّحَ اللهُ اللِّئامَ ومَن أتى
إليهِم ولو أدَّى به الأمرُ لِلحدِّ