
A day for Allah, adorned with festivals,

لله يوم حفه عيدان

1. A day for Allah, adorned with festivals,
It came to delight the soul, like a title.

١. لِلَّهِ يَومٌ حَفَّهُ عِيدَانِ
فَأتَى لأُنسِ النَّفسِ كالعُنوَانِ

2. The two festivals are accompanying symbols,
Of friendship and alliance, the two accompanying festivals.

٢. عِيدَانِ مُصطَحِبَانِ رَمزُ تَآلُفٍ
وتَحَالفٍ عِيدانِ مُصطَحبانِ

3. A day which the leaders of government celebrated,
So leaders and nobles and notables came to it.

٣. يَومٌ به احتفلت رِجَالُ حُكُومةٍ
فَأتَاهُ مِن قَاصٍ وكَم مِن دَانِ

4. And all are joyful and cheerful with what,
They found and thanked profusely.

٤. فتَشَرَّفت بِلِقَائِهِ العُظَمَاءُ وَالن
نُبلاء والأَعيَانُ مِن أعيَانِ

5. For Allah, a day of happiness throughout,
Both its morning and evening alike.

٥. وَالكُلُّ مُغتَبِطٌ ومُنبَسِطٌ بِمَا
لاَقَى فباءَ بِغَايةِ الشُكرانِ

6. Or does not the evening of a day conclude with happiness,
In which the majesty of the Sultan was delighted?

٦. لِلَّهِ من يَومٍ سُرورٌ كُلُّهُ
فَغُدُوُّهُ وَرَوَاحُهُ سِيَّانِ

7. A king, in whose domain virtues settled,
And glory in it set loose the reins.

٧. أَوَ لَيسَ يُختَمُ بِالسُّرُورِ مَسَاءُ يَو
مٍ سُرَّ فيه جَلاَلَةُ السُّلطَانِ

8. A king who assumed from the hearts of subjects,
A firm throne, steady of pillars.

٨. مَلِكٌ بِسَاحَتِهِ المَعالي خَيَّمَت
وَالمَجدُ فيها مُرسِلٌ لِعِنانِ

9. He resided peacefully, but came close in his perfection,
From our hearts until he settled in the gardens.

٩. مَلِكٌ تَبَوَّأ مِن قُلوبِ رَعِيَّةٍ
عَرشاً مَتيناً ثَابتَ الأركَانِ

10. So the firmness of his resolve in the gentleness of his nature,
Is like the slash of a sword and the edge of Yemen.

١٠. سَكَنَ السُّهَا لكن دَنا بِخِلالِهِ
مِن قَلبِنا حتى ثَوى بِجَنَانِ

11. Between agreement and disagreement is a point,
Like many points that escaped minds.

١١. فمَضاءُ عَزمِهِ في لًيونَةٍ خُلقِهِ
كَرُواءِ إِفرَندٍ وحِدِّ يَمانِ

12. With his covenant those treaties shone,
And the light of knowledge and cognition illuminated.

١٢. بينَ التَّحالُفِ والتَّخالُفِ نُقطَةٌ
كَم نُقطَةٍ نَدَّت عَنِ الاَذهَانِ

13. May Allah reward him for what he deserves,
Of sublime favors and benevolence.

١٣. فَبِعَهدِهِ تِلكَ المعاهِدُ أشرَقَت
وأضَاءَ نُورُ العِلم والعِرفَانِ

14. And his Crown Prince, with whom he was pleased,
May he remain forever praised by every tongue.

١٤. أللَّهُ يُجزِيهِ بما هو أهلُهُ
مِن فائقِ الإنعامِ وَالإحسَانِ

15. His deeds, traits and qualities,
Are surrounded by the care of the Merciful.

١٥. ووليُّ عَهدِهِ مَن به قَد قَرَّ طَر
فُهُ دَامَ مَمدوحاً بِكُلِّ لِسَانِ

١٦. أعمالُهُ وخِلالُهُ وخِصَالُهُ
مَحفُوفةٌ بِعِنايةِ الرَّحمانِ