1. They said so-and-so got married while his heart belonged to another whom he loved
I said he will divorce her They said he does not care enough to go through with it
١. قالُوا تزوّج فلانٌ وهوَ في
عِصمَة غَيرِه الذي تَعشَّقه
2. I said I will solve this ruinous situation
I will shave his beard for a month and I guarantee that he will divorce her
٢. قلتُ يُطلِّقُه قالوا ليسَ يَس
خو به قلتُ حَلُّ هذِي المُوبِقَه
٣. ألكَفُّ عَن حلقِه لحَيتَه شَه
راً وأنا الضَّامِن أن يُطلِّقَه