
Yes, the truth has been verified and uncovered

نعم حصحص الحق وانكشفا

1. Yes, the truth has been verified and uncovered
The right has become clear and the obscurity has vanished

١. نَعم حَصحَصَ الحَقُّ وانكَشفا
وبانَ الصَّوابُ وزال الخَفا

2. Therefore I am impartial towards it
And it is an honor for me if I am impartial

٢. لِذاك فإنِّي له مُنصِفٌ
ولي شَرَف إِن أَكُن مُنصِفا

3. But in my soul I have a need
A yearning of my heart that has not been quenched

٣. ولكنَّ في النَّفس لي حاجَةٌ
غليلُ فُؤادي بها ما اشتَفى

4. And that is why eras have passed and ended
While this secret was concealed from us

٤. وذاك لماذا مَضَت وانقَضَت
عُصورٌ وذا السِرُّ عنا اختَفى

5. And it did not appear until recently, so who
Will give me an answer that brings relief

٥. ولم يَبدُ إلا أخيراً فمَن
يَكونُ جوابُه لي مُسعِفا