
Our pilgrimage was to seek reward,

حججنا لعمري ابتغاء الثواب

1. Our pilgrimage was to seek reward,
But punishment took the place of reward.

١. حجَجنَا لَعمرِي ابتغاءَ الثَّواب
فحَلَّ محلَّ الثوابِ العِقاب

2. They said, "You have made pilgrimage, now come,
Enter prison for three days, without answer."

٢. وقالوا حَجَجَتُم فَهَيَّا ادخلُوا
ثلاَثا إلى السِّجنِ دونَ جَواب

3. Do not think it is like other prisons,
With sleep and food and drink for you.

٣. ولا تحسِبوه كمثل السجُون
منَاما وأكلاً لُكُم وَشرَاب

4. As for the food, you will not eat it,
Unless you pay for it.

٤. فأمَّا الطعاَمُ فلَن تأكلُوهُ
سِوى إن دفعتُم عليه الحِسَاب

5. So too for sleep, pay its fee,
Or else, the ground is beneath you.

٥. كذاك المنَام ادفعُوا أجرَهُ
وإلاَّ فدونكُمُ والتُّرَاب

6. We paid the fees, and the food came,
But behind it was a swarm of flies.

٦. نقَدنا الأجورَ وجاء الطعَام
وخلفَه مثلُ الضّبابِ ذُبَاب

7. We cannot bear to eat it,
And in leaving it, what blame on us?

٧. فلسنَأ على أَكلهِ قادرِين
وفي تَركِه لنا أيُّ عِتَاب

8. These prisons are numbered,
And their numbers recorded in a book.

٨. فَهَذِي المحابِسُ مرقُومًَةٌ
وأرقامُها سُجِّلت في كِتاب

9. None may occupy a prison,
Except its Lord. Beware what is disliked.

٩. ولا يَقعُدَنَّ علَى محبِسٍ
سِوى ربِّه واحذَرُوا ما يُعاب

10. We said we would remain here fasting,
Until the time came to leave.

١٠. فقُلنا سنبقَى هنا صَائِمين
إلى أن يحينَ أوانُ الذهَاب

11. They said it is forbidden, for we
Still have need of it after digestion.

١١. فقالُوا حرامٌ فإنَّ لنا
به حاجةٌ بعد هضمٍ تُجَاب

12. Oh Lord, how will you deliver us?
How the question, and how the answer?

١٢. فيا ربِّ كيفَ تُخَلِّصُنا
وكيفَ السؤالُ وكيفَ الجَواب