1. It's but a fleeting grief, I do not exaggerate its extent,
Yet to be deprived of one's sons is the most grievous of pains.
١. هُوَ رُزءٌ ولا أقولُ عظيمُ
وافتِقادُ البَنِينِ آعظمُ رُزءِ
2. For if the roots remain, the foliage will burgeon anew,
And good fortune will emerge however deep the despair.
٢. ذاكَ أنَّ الفُروعَ إن يَبقَ أصلٌ
يَخرجُ الخِبءُ منهُ مَخرَجَ خِبءِ
3. The beginning of things is the end of what has passed before,
And the ending of things is the start of what is to come.
٣. فابتِداءُ الأشيَاءِ آخِرُ خَتمٍ
واختِتَامُ الأشياءِ أوَّلُ بَدءِ