
With my own soul, the kindred spirit greeted

بنفسي شقيق الروح حيا بزهرة

1. With my own soul, the kindred spirit greeted
With a blossom as virtuous as his white morals

١. بِنَفسي شَقيقُ الرُّوحِ حَيَّا بِزَهرَةٍ
كأخلاقِه بيضاءَ طَيِّبةِ النَّشرِ

2. He brought it in his garment, the branch being dry
No wonder for the branch to give generously the flower

٢. وجَاءَ بها في ثَوبه الغُصنِ مائِساً
ولا عَجَبٌ لِلغصنِ إن جادَ بالزَّهرِ

3. He greeted with it, his face shining like the dawn
From the morning star shone the first light of dawn

٣. وحَيَّا بها والوَجهُ يُشرِقُ طَلعَةً
ومِن نَجمةِ الصُّبحِ انجَلَت غُرَّةُ الفَجرِ

4. Moon-like in color, fragrant with aroma
We have not seen a pearl that breathed such fragrance

٤. بَدرِيَّةٌ لوناً مُعَطَّرَةُ الشَّذا
ولم نَرَ مِن دُرٍّ تَنَفَّسَ عَن عِطرِ