
I had not known what passion was until it came

ما كنت أعرف ما الهوى حتى اتى

1. I had not known what passion was until it came
And overwhelmed me, for passion is tyrannical

١. مَا كنتُ أعرفُ مَا الهَوى حتى َاتى
وطغى عَلَىَّ وللِهَوَى طُغيانُ

2. And I was afflicted by one with a slender figure, whose glances
Increased my affliction

٢. وبُليتُ بِالشَّاوي وزَادَ بَلِيَّتي
ذاكَ القَوامُ وطَرفُهُ الوَسنانُ

3. When the lover grows mighty, he finds
Reproaches and estrangement easy to bear

٣. إنَّ المُحِبَّ إذا تَعاظَمَ وَجدُهُ
هانَ الصُّدودُ عَلَيهِ والهِجرَانُ

4. I do not complain of his estrangement, even though
With estrangement, passion's fires are kindled

٤. لا أَشتَكِي منه الصُّدودَ وإن يَكُن
بِالصَّدِّ تُذكى لِلهوى نِيرَانُ

5. What can I do, O people, about my love for him?
My sin against him is one that cannot be forgiven

٥. مَا حِيلتي يَا قَوم فِي حُبِّي له
ذَنبي لَديهِ مَا له غُفرَانُ

6. So advise me, but without trying to dissuade me from him
The mind of the wise should be guarded against the impossible

٦. لي فَانصَحُوا لكن بغَيرِ سُلُوِّهِ
ذِهنُ اللَّبيبِ عنِ المُحَالِ يُصَانُ