
In the humiliation of sleep appeared,

في بذلة النوم قد تبدى

1. In the humiliation of sleep appeared,
Wearing a blue cloak,

١. في بِذلةِ النَّومِ قد تبدَّى
مُزرقَّةٍ يرتدِي وِشاحا

2. Have you seen the beauty of the full moon,
When it rose in the blueness of the sky?

٢. فهل رَأيتم جمَالَ بَدرٍ
إن في ازرِقَاقِ السَّماء لاحَا

3. O you who conquered our hearts with a glance,
And a stature that puts spears to shame,

٣. يا مَن غزا قلبَنَا بلحظٍ
وقامةٍ تُخجِلُ الرِّمَاحا

4. Your eyes find in us a reaction,
While words from you have become joking,

٤. عيناكَ فينا تجدُّ فِعلا
والقولُ مِنكم غدَا مِزاحا

5. Rather you narrate a story of gentleness,
While we perceive it as comfort,

٥. بل أنتَ تروي حديثَ لُطفٍ
وإننا نحتَسيهِ رَاحا

6. You narrate to us agonizing subtleties,
That make eloquent tongues fall silent,

٦. تَروي نِكاتا لنا عِذابا
فتُخرِس الألسُنَ الفِصَاحا

7. My eyelids did not wear kohl of sleep,
And my heart did not find rest in passion,

٧. ألجفنُ لم يكتحِل بغمضٍ
والقلبُ في الوجد ما استَراحا

8. Have mercy on a lover, anguished for you,
Fearing his secret will be exposed,

٨. إرحَم مُحِبا لكم وَلُوعا
خافَ على سِرِّه افتِضَاحا

9. So do not blame him, he did not hesitate,
Concealing his struggle, though crying out.

٩. فلا تلُمه فما توانَى
مُكتِّما جَهده وبَاحا