1. I seek refuge in God from the turmoil of politics,
It is an ocean I cannot navigate.
١. عُذتُ باللهِ من خِضَمِّ السِّياسَه
فَهىَ بحرٌ لا أستطيعُ مِرَاسَه
2. The shining scholar of the East sought protection before me,
He who if he spoke a word, all would bow their heads at his mention.
٢. ولقد عَاذَ بالمُهيمنِ قَبلِي
عَالِمُ الشرقِ عَبدُ مَن ذَاقَ بَاسَه
3. I seek refuge in God from ruling and rulers,
For misery is begotten of politics.
٣. قالَ وهوَ الذِي إذا قالَ قولاً
طأطَأ الكلُّ عنِد ذكرِه رَاسَه
4. When you examine all words that begin with "S",
You find in them wretchedness and misery.
٤. عُذتُ بالله مِن يُسوسَ ومِن سَا
سَ فإنَّ الأسَى سَليلُ السِّياسَه
5. Sorrow, illness, misery, and disgrace,
All words starting with "S" connote baseness.
٥. وإذا ما أمعَنتَ في كلِّ مَا جا
ءَ بِسينٍ ألفَيتَ فيهِ تَعَاسَه
6. So beware of poison and leave good fortune to the clouds,
That roamed in the imagination, tracing their shapes.
٦. فالأسَى والسَّقامُ والبُؤسُ والخُس
رَأنُ بالسِّين كلُّهَا والخَسَاسَه
7. He who seeks politics on this earth,
Is like one who savors the taste of filth.
٧. فاحذَرِ السُّم واترُكِ السَّعدَ للغُم
رِ الذي راحَ في الخَيَال اقتباسه
٨. إنَّ مَن يطلُبِ السِّياسَةَ في الأر
ضِ كَمَن يَستَلِذُّ طعمَ النَّجاسَه