
The results are clear

هي النتائج فما

1. The results are clear
I see no other wisdom

١. هيَ النتائجُ فما
أَرى سِواهَا حَكَما

2. With anything else, it won't be settled
The dispute between you two

٢. بِغيرِها لن يُحسَما
خلافُ ما بَينَكُما

3. Whoever submits to it will be safe
Whoever contends with it will be opposed

٣. من سَلَّمَته سَلِما
من خاصَمَته خُصِما

4. And I will ask you both
About the length of your session

٤. وسأُسَائِلُكما
عن طولِ مُدَّتكُما

5. And what you read during it
So you can explain to me the ratio

٥. وما بها قَرَأتُما
كي نسبةً لي تُفهِما

6. Say, did you accept
And after that, judge

٦. قولاً فهل قَبِلتُما
وبعدَ ذَاكَ فاحكُما