1. We in Al Ahmar are lions
We have no equal among the people
١. نحنُ في الحمراءِ أُسدُ
ما لنا في القومِ نِدُّ
2. Our matter cannot be reversed
We are indeed death to the enemies
٢. أَمرُنا ما له رَدُّ
إننا لاموتُ الزُّؤام
3. We are the heroes of courage
Each individual with the group
٣. نحن أبطالُ الشَّجاعَه
كلُّ فردٍ بجَماعَه
4. An hour with half an hour
Our opponent is given defeat
٤. ساعَةً مع نصفِ ساعَه
خَصمُنا يُسقَى الحِمام
5. We are ten and unique
With us the land shakes
٥. نحنُ عَشرٌ وَوحيدُ
وبنَا الأرضُ تَميدُ
6. Thus do the lions strengthen
When the conflict intensifies
٦. هكذا تَقوى الاُسودُ
حينَ يشتَدُّ الخِصام
7. O ball of feet attack
In an assault and charge
٧. كرةَ الأَقدامِ حُومي
في هجُومٍ ووُجومِ
8. And aim for the goal of the opponents
And enter it peacefully
٨. واقصدِي مَرمَى الخُصومِ
وادخُلِيه بِسَلام
9. The opponent's goal is no goal
Despite its heroes' defiance
٩. ليس مَرمى الخصمِ مَرمى
رَغمَ أبطالِه رَغما
10. We do not consider the opponent an opponent
His war is like peace
١٠. لا نَعُدُّ الخَصمَ خَصما
حَربُه مثلُ السَّلام
11. We are Persians and Arabs
We are all zealous for the cause
١١. إنَّنا عُجمٌ وَعُربُ
كُلُّنا للخَطبِ خَطبُ
12. And if the war intensifies
We meet it with a smile
١٢. وإذا ما اشتَدَّ حَربُ
نَلتقيها بابتِسام
13. Glory be to Al-Ahly
It has pride and victory
١٣. إنَّ للصَّامِ لَفَخرَا
وَلَها عِزَّا ونَصرا
14. So long live the memory of Al-Ahly
The name of Al-Ahly is sublime
١٤. فَلتَعِش لِلصَّامِ ذِكرى
إنَّ إسمَ الصَّامِ سَام
15. You are from a foot to a head
Between sending and keeping
١٥. أنتِ مِن رِجلٍ لِرَأسِ
بينَ إرسالٍ وحبسِ
16. And with a palm that will not fail
When the crowds intensify
١٦. وبِكَفٍّ لَن تُمَسِّي
حينَ يَقوى الإِزدحَام
17. We are the owners of strong arms
So we get close and distant
١٧. نحنُ أصحابُ السَّواعِد
فَنُداني ونُباعِد
18. We leave the stubborn opponent
In humility and fervor
١٨. نَترُكُ الخَصمَ المُعانِد
في احتِشامٍ واحتِدام
19. If you could see us in the struggle
And attack and defense
١٩. لو تَرَانا في صِراعِ
وهجومِ ودفاعِ
20. And rise and retreat
And surge forward
٢٠. وارتفاعٍ وارتجاعٍ
وَوُثوبٍ للأمَام
21. Oh my people, oh my people
What day, what day
٢١. يا لِقَومي يا لِقَومي
أىَّ يومٍ أىَّ يومِ
22. Rumors have wronged us
But we are honorable, we will not be oppressed
٢٢. سِيمَ مَرمانا بِضَيمِ
بل حضرامٌ أن يُضام
23. We drank the wine of victory
When we played and won
٢٣. خمرةَ النَّصرِ شَرِبنا
إذ لِعبنا فَغَلَبنا
24. And we were thrilled as we were thrilled
Such is the way of the generous
٢٤. وَطَرِبنا ما طَرِبنا
هكذا شَأنُ الكِرام
25. The goalkeeper is like an eagle
Standing at the mouth of its lair
٢٥. حارسُ المَرمى كَصَقرِ
واقِفٌ فِي بابِ وَكرِ
26. With enthusiasm and cunning
A keeper guarding the position
٢٦. بحَمَاسٍ وبِمَكرِ
حارسٌ بَابَ المَقَام
27. The two of us are supported
And called upon to increase
٢٧. والثَّنَا مِنَّا يُشَاد
ودُعَانا في ازدِياد
28. Towards the sultan of the country
And its ambitious pasha
٢٨. نحو سُلطانِ البِلاد
ولِباشاها الهُمام