
As you said, the garden of glories is fertile

ูƒู…ุง ู‚ู„ุชู… ุฑูˆุถ ุงู„ู…ุนุงู„ูŠ ุจู‡ ุฎุตุจ

1. As you said, the garden of glories is fertile
And is there a veil between the glorious and the heights?

ูก. ูƒู…ุง ู‚ูู„ุชูู… ุฑูˆุถู ุงู„ู…ุนูŽุงู„ูŠ ุจู‡ ุฎูุตุจู
ูˆู‡ู„ ุจูŠู†ูŽ ุฐูŠ ู…ุฌุฏู ูˆุจูŠู† ุงู„ุนูู„ุง ุญูุฌุจู

2. The majesty of the redeemer Farouk who is seen
His happiness in life is for the people to be happy

ูข. ุฌูŽู„ุงูŽู„ุฉ ูุงุฑูˆู‚ู ุงู„ู…ููุฏู‘ูŽู‰ ุงู„ุฐูŠ ูŠุฑูŽู‰
ุณูŽุนุงุฏุชูŽู‡ู ููŠ ุงู„ุฏู‡ุฑู ุฃู† ูŠุณุนูŽุฏูŽ ุงู„ุดู‘ูŽุนุจู

3. A bracelet with which hearts of subjects are adorned
So from their hearts a body and from his body a heart

ูฃ. ุณููˆุงุฑูŒ ุจู‡ ุญุงุทุช ู‚ู„ูˆุจู ุฑูŽุนูŠุฉู
ูู…ูู† ู‚ู„ุจูู‡ู… ุฌุณู…ูŒ ูˆู…ู† ุฌูุณู…ู‡ู ู‚ูŽู„ุจู

4. So the life of the people became in his pulses
May his ruler who consoles the people last

ูค. ูุฃู…ุณูŽุช ุญูŠุงุฉู ุงู„ุดู‘ูŽุนุจู ููŠ ู†ุจุถูŽุงุชูู‡
ุฃู„ุง ููŽู„ูŠูŽุฏูู… ู„ู„ุดุนุจู ุนูŽุงู‡ู„ูู‡ ุงู„ู†ุฏุจู

5. The face of the East smiled because of him and perhaps
The West frowned because of his civilization

ูฅ. ุชุจุณู‘ูŽู… ูˆูŽุฌู‡ู ุงู„ุดู‘ูŽุฑู‚ ุนู†ู‡ู ูˆุฑุจู…ุง
ุชู‚ูŽุทู‘ูŽุจูŽ ูˆุฌู‡ุงู‹ ู…ู† ุซูŽู‚ุงููŽุชู‡ ุงู„ุบุฑุจู

6. But he ushered in the dawn of two eras and a rising
So we were delighted with that and erected monuments for it

ูฆ. ุจูŽู„ ุฃุณููŽุฑูŽ ุนูŽู† ุตูุจุญูŽูŠู†ู ุนู‡ุฏู ูˆุทูŽู„ุนุฉู
ูุฐุงูƒ ุจู‡ ู†ูŽุฒู‡ููˆ ูˆุชูู„ูƒูŽ ู„ู‡ุง ู†ูŽุตุจููˆ

7. Rising to your two thrones, the throne of our hearts
And a throne for him the non-Arabs and Arabs pledge allegiance

ูง. ุนูุฑูˆุฌุง ุฅู„ู‰ ุนูŽุฑุดูŽูŠูƒูŽ ุนุฑุดู ู‚ู„ููˆุจูู†ุง
ูˆุนุฑุดู ู„ู‡ ุชุนู†ูˆ ุงู„ุฃุนุงุฌู…ู ูˆุงู„ุนูุฑุจู

8. If he is absent from Egypt today
And has clothed it for the festival of joy with attire

ูจ. ู„ูŽุฆูู† ู‡ููˆูŽ ุฃู…ุณูŽู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆู…ูŽ ุนู† ู…ูุตุฑูŽ ุบุงุฆุจุง
ูˆู‚ุฏ ุฌูŽุฏู‘ูŽ ู…ูู† ุนูŠุฏู ุงู„ุณุฑูˆุฑ ู„ู‡ุง ุซูˆุจู

9. It is the sun from afar radiating its light
So like the clouds its lights poured out over the distance

ูฉ. ู‡ูŠ ุงู„ุดู…ุณ ุนู† ุจุนุฏู ุชุดุนู‘ู ุจู†ููˆุฑู‡ุง
ููƒูŽุงู„ุณู‘ูุญุจู ู‚ุฏ ุฌุงุฏุช ุนู„ู‰ ุจูุนุฏูู‡ุง ุงู„ุณู‘ูุญุจู

10. For him may God make a day pass, not a night for him
So his night compared to the sun of day grows

ูกู . ู„ู‡ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ูŠูŽูˆู…ุง ู…ูŽุฑู‘ูŽ ู„ุง ู„ูŠู„ูŽุฉูŒ ู„ู‡
ูู„ูŽูŠู„ูู‡ ุนูŽู† ุดู…ุณู ุงู„ู†ู‡ุงุฑู ุณู†ุงู‹ ูŠุฑูุจูˆ

11. Some faint comets shone
Ashamed of their light, the comets hid

ูกูก. ููŽุถููŠุฆูŽุช ู…ูู† ุงู„ุฃุถูˆุงุกู ุดูู‡ุจูŒ ุจูŽุณููŠุทุฉูŒ
ุนู„ู‰ ุฎูŽุฌูŽู„ู ู…ู† ู†ููˆุฑูู‡ุง ุงุฎุชููุช ุงู„ุดู‘ูู‡ุจู

12. And from a melody in every club and home
It had in souls from our hearings pouring

ูกูข. ูˆู…ูู† ู†ุบูŽู…ู ููŠ ูƒู„ู‘ู ู†ุงุฏู ูˆู…ูŽู†ุฒู„ู
ู„ู‡ุง ููŠ ู†ูููˆุณู ู…ู† ู…ูŽุณุงู…ูุนู†ุง ุณูŽูƒุจู

13. And it met only with a name succeeding a name
As the face of the garden smiled at dawn from its side

ูกูฃ. ูˆู„ู… ุชู„ู‚ูŽ ุฅู„ุง ุจุงุณูู…ุงู‹ ุชูู„ูˆูŽ ุจุงุณูู…ู
ูƒู…ุง ู‡ูŽุดู‘ูŽ ูˆุฌู‡ู ุงู„ุฑูˆุถู ุจุงูƒูŽุฑูŽู‡ ุงู„ุตู‘ูŽูˆุจู

14. And from a master who beamed meeting a master
And a flock chasing after fellow flocks

ูกูค. ูˆู…ูู† ุณูŠู‘ูุฏู ู‚ุฏ ู‡ุดู‘ูŽ ุชู„ู‚ุงุกูŽ ุณูŠู‘ูุฏู
ูˆุณูุฑุจู ู„ุฃุชุฑุงุจู ูŠูู„ุงุญู‚ูู‡ ุณูุฑุจู

15. And from pages bringing near bunches of their fruits
And their gardens overflowed onto the villages

ูกูฅ. ูˆู…ูู† ุตูุญูู ุฃุฏู†ูŽุช ู‚ูุทูˆูู ุซู…ุงุฑูู‡ุง
ูˆุฌูŽุงุฏุช ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ู‚ูุฑูŽู‰ ุญูŽุฏุงุฆู‚ูู‡ุง ุงู„ุบูู„ุจู

16. And its darkness uncovered a light in its lines
Did it then become erased and its lines humps?

ูกูฆ. ูˆู‚ุฏ ุดูู‘ูŽ ุนูŽู† ู†ูˆุฑู ุณูˆุงุฏู ุณูุทูˆุฑู‡ุง
ูู‡ู„ ู…ูู‚ู„ูŽุฉ ุฃุถุญุช ูˆุฃุณุทุฑูู‡ุง ู‡ูุฏุจู

17. And from a stature strutting and towering as if
With its shoulders it touched the bushes in its meadow

ูกูง. ูˆู…ูู† ู‚ุงู…ุฉู ุชุฎุชุงู„ู ุชุฒู‡ููˆ ูƒุฃู†ู…ุง
ุจุฃุนุทุงููู‡ุง ููŠ ุฑูˆุถูู‡ุง ู…ุงุณูŽุชู ุงู„ู‚ูุถุจู

18. And a stringer of pearls hovering over its sea
Do pearls float on the seaโ€™s surface moist?

ูกูจ. ูˆู†ุงุธูู… ุฏูุฑู‘ู ู‚ุฏ ุทููŽู‹ุง ููˆู‚ูŽ ุจุฌุฑูู‡
ุฃูŠุทูู‹ูˆ ุจุณูŽุทุญู ุงู„ุจุญุฑู ู„ุคู„ุคู‡ู ุงู„ุฑู‘ูŽุทุจู

19. With his fingers he clasped the neck of a gazelle
So he made it gracefully bend, bending its curvature

ูกูฉ. ุจูุฃู†ู…ูู„ูู‡ ู‚ุฏ ุถูŽู…ู‘ูŽ ุนูู†ู‚ูŽ ูŠูŽุฑุงุนูŽุฉู
ูุฃุฑุนููŽู‡ ุณูุญุฑุง ุจู‡ ูŠูุฎู„ูŽุจู ุงู„ู„ู‘ูุจู‘ู

20. And if Egypt struggled in her kingโ€™s era
Then in the outstretched arm lies its sharp sword

ูขู . ูˆุฅูู† ุฌุงู‡ุฏูŽุช ู…ูุตุฑูŒ ุจุนูŽู‡ุฏู ู…ู„ููŠูƒูู‡ุง
ูููŠ ุงู„ุณู‘ูŽุงุนูุฏ ุงู„ู…ูู…ุชุฏู‘ู ุตูŽุงุฑู…ูู‡ ุงู„ุนูŽุถุจู

21. And when I saw the horizon had denied my wishes
I blamed myself - and does blaming avail?

ูขูก. ูˆู„ู…ู‘ูŽุง ุฑุฃูŠุชู ุงู„ู…ูŽุทู„ูŽูŽ ู‚ุฏ ุนุงู‚ ู…ูู†ูŠุชููŠ
ุนุชูŽุจุชู ุนู„ู‰ ู†ูุณููŠ ูˆู‡ู„ ูŠู†ูุนู ุงู„ุนุชุจู

22. What I missed of the celebration of his ascent
If I missed the ascent of his celebration, I missed much

ูขูข. ูู…ุง ูุงุชูŽู†ูŠ ุฅุฑุจูŒ ุจูุทู„ุนุฉู ุนูŠุฏูู‡
ุฅุฐุง ูุงุชูŽู†ูŠ ู…ู† ุนูŠุฏู ุทู„ุนุชูู‡ ุฅุฑุจู

23. It is glory, unattained except by will
So its hardest is easy and its easiest is hard

ูขูฃ. ู‡ูˆูŽ ุงู„ู…ุฌุฏู ู„ู… ูŠูุฏุฑูŽูƒ ุจุบูŠุฑู ุฅุฑุงุฏูŽุฉู
ูุฃุตุนูŽุจูู‡ ุณู‡ู„ูŒ ูˆุฃุณู‡ูŽู„ูู‡ ุตุนุจู

24. Because of his morals, the mound of Sodud rested
From it the grass burst into flower for the eyes

ูขูค. ุฑูŽุณุช ู…ู†ู‡ู ู„ู„ุฃู†ุธุงุฑู ู‡ูŽุถุจุฉู ุณูุคุฏูŽุฏู
ุจุฃุฎู„ุงู‚ูู‡ ูŠูุชุฑู‘ู ุนูŽู† ุฒู‡ุฑูู‡ุง ุนูุดุจู

25. The scent of musk diffuses if his name is mentioned
So I mention him and the perfume loves the heart

ูขูฅ. ูŠุถูˆุนู ุฃุฑูŠุฌู ุงู„ู…ุณูƒู ุฅู† ุฐููƒุฑูŽ ุงุณู…ูู‡
ูุฃุฐูƒูุฑูู‡ ูˆุงู„ุทู‘ููŠุจู ูŠุนุดูŽู‚ูู‡ ุงู„ู‚ู„ุจู

26. So greetings, as the morning greets with an ascent
From it we have light and from us it has love

ูขูฆ. ููŽุญูŠู‘ุง ูƒูู…ุง ุญูŠู‘ู ุงู„ุตู‘ุจูŽุงุญ ุจูุทู„ุนุฉู
ูู…ู†ู‡ุง ู„ู†ูŽุง ู†ูˆุฑูŒ ูˆู…ู†ู‘ุง ู„ู‡ุง ุญูุจู‘ู

27. He saw himself in the forest as cubs of bracelets
So he sprang as they sprang and melted as they melted

ูขูง. ุฑุฃูŠ ู†ูุณูŽู‡ ููŠ ุงู„ุบุงุจู ุดูุจู„ูŽ ู‚ูŽุณุงูˆูุฑู
ูู‡ุจู‘ูŽ ูƒู…ุง ู‡ูŽุจู‘ููˆุง ูˆุฐูŽุจู‘ูŽ ูƒู…ุง ุฐูŽุจู‘ููˆุง

28. Move briskly, O son of Egypt, to the heights
So history, people, and the Lord thank you

ูขูจ. ููŽุณูŠุฑุงู‹ ุญุซูŠุซุง ูŠุง ุงุจู†ูŽ ู…ูุตุฑู ุฅู„ู‰ ุงู„ุนูู„ุงูŽ
ู„ูŠุดูƒุฑูŽูƒ ุงู„ุชุงุฑูŠุฎู ูˆุงู„ู†ุงุณู ูˆุงู„ุฑู‘ูŽุจู