
Yesterday they came and memories of you passed like

أمسوا يمر الذكر منك بمجلس

1. Yesterday they came and memories of you passed like
A rotten corpse with odors that could kill

١. أمَسُّوا يَمُرُّ الذِّكرُ منكَ بمَجلسٍ
كَجِيفَةٍٍ نَتنٍ بالرَّوائِح تَقتُلُ

2. Yesterday they said you were just and fair
Yes, on the path of righteousness and good you tread

٢. أمسُّو وقد أُخبِرتُ أنكَ عادِلٌ
نعم عن طريقِ الرُّشدِ والخَيرِ تَعدِلُ

3. Yesterday, to disobey one's parents is a grave sin
Of which you will surely be questioned in the end

٣. أمَسُّو عقوقُ الوالدينِ كَبيرةٌ
وعنه أمامَ لا بُدَّ تُسأَلُ

4. What fault has a mother whose kindness you abandoned
Leaving her longing as you feast with neighbors instead?

٤. وما ذنبُ أمٍّ قد تركتَ بُرورَها
أتَترُكها لَهفى ولِلجارِ تَأكُلُ

5. The neighbors witnessed as you struck and beat her
And your father leads them all as witness to this deed

٥. لقد شهِدَ الجيرانُ فيكَ بِضَربِها
وهذا أبوكَ في الشَّهادَةِ أوَّلُ

6. Will you deny when his eyes see truly
While yours are twisted from excessive drink and greed?

٦. أتُنكِرُه إِذ أنَّ طَرفَهُ سالِمٌ
وطرفُكَ من فرطِ التَّلفَّتِ أحوَلُ

7. What fault have elders before whom you sat
Insulting them, cursing their names with relish?

٧. وما ذنبُ أشياخٍ جلستَ أمامهم
تَسُبُّهمُ سَبًّا وباللَّعنِ تُكمِلُ