
Who is there that would not respond when called

من ذا الذي لا يستجيب إذا دعي

1. Who is there that would not respond when called
To join in pleasant, joyful conversation

١. مَن ذا الذِي لا يَستجِيبُ إِذا دُعِي
مِنكُم إلَى سَمَرٍ لذيذٍ مُمتِع

2. With the professor Abdelkader al-Sahrawi
The composer, the literary man of refinement

٢. سمَرٍ مَع الأستاذِ عبدِ القادرِ ال
صَحرَاويِّ الندبِ الأديبِ اللوذَعي

3. But you have called for gentleness, so let
Me be gentle and accept my observation and excuse

٣. لكن دَعوتَ إلى التَّلطُّف فلتَكُن
مُتَلطِفا واقبَل مُلاَحظَتِي وَعِ

4. For the delight and the pleasure of Shawwal with
One who sits, not a month of fasting that hurts

٤. لِلَذَاذَةٍ ولِمُتعَة شوَّالُ مَع
ذي قِعدة لا شَهر صَومٍ مُوجِع

5. It was not my intention that you extend an invitation
To one who was deserving of it, sir listening

٥. ما كانَ عِندي أَن تُوجِّهَ دَعوةً
كانَ الجديرُ بها جَنابَ المسمع

6. So for that reason I came repeating a verse anxiously
Fearing confusion that he might repeat with me

٦. فلِذا أتيتُ مُرِّددا بَيتا بهَم
سٍ خَوفَ أَرعَنَ قد يُردِّدُه معِي

7. I descended to you from the most noble abode
Dignity, pride and aloofness

٧. هَبطت إليك من المَحَلِّ الأرفعِ
وَرقاءَ ذَات تَعَزُّزٍ وتَمنُّعِ

8. This and the last utterance to you all with
Six lines, they are for me the intercessor, so intercede

٨. هَذا وآخرُ لفظةٍ لكُمُ بِسا
دِس أسطرٍ هى لي الشفيعُ فَشفِّع