1. Ask me what I saw with my own eyes,
If you wish to hear the tale of my wanderings.
١. إسألُونِي عَمَّا رَأيتُ بِعَينِي
إن تَشَاؤوا الحَديثَ عن بَسيُوني
2. We stayed in Mecca and congregated
Afterwards, in the mosque of the honest Prophet.
٢. قَد أقَمنَا بِمَكَّةٍ واجتَمَعنَا
بعدُ فِي مَسجدِ النَّبِيِّ الأمِينِ
3. We met in Jeddah, then rode
The well of Zamzam, pride of every ship.
٣. والتَقَينَا بِجَدَّةٍ وَرَكِبنَا
زمزماً بعدُ فَخرَ كُلِّ سَفينِ
4. And I will recount to you what I saw,
Believe me in my words, or call me a liar.
٤. وَسَأَحكِي مَا قد رَأيتُ إلَيكم
صَدِّقُوني فِي القَولش أَو كَذِّبُونِي
5. Wherever he stayed, you would see
Hundreds of thousands around him.
٥. مَا تَراهُ بِمَوضِعٍ حَلَّ إِلاَّ
وتَرى حَولَه مِئينَ المِئينِ
6. Delegations of nobles from Egypt, Syria,
India, Maghreb and China.
٦. فُوفود الأعيَانِ مِن مِصرَ والشَّا
مِ وهِندٍ ومَغربٍ والصِّينِ
7. And others who came to him, to gain
A conversation that comforts the grieving heart.
٧. وسِوَاهم مِمَّن أتَوهُ لِيَجنوا
من حدِيثٍ يُسلي فؤادَ الحَزينِ
8. Then waiting for a gathering that drew near,
Its time precious indeed.
٨. ثمَّ مُنتَظِرٌ لِحَفلٍ دَنَا وَق
تُه والوَقتُ ثَمَّ جِدُّ ثَمينِ
9. One begging gently, another
Roughly like a creditor to a debtor.
٩. ذَاكَ مُستَمنَحٌ بِلُطفٍ وهذا
كَ بعُنفٍ كَدائِنِ لِمَدينِ
10. Another like a soldier,
Asking about distributing provisions.
١٠. وسِوَاهُ كأنَّهُ عَسكَرىٌّ
سَائلٌ عَن تَوزِيعِه لمؤونِ
11. A messenger from the king came to him,
Asking him to respond immediately.
١١. وَرَسُولٌ منَ المَلِيكِ أتَاهُ
سَائِلاً أَن يُجِيبَهُ فِي الحِينِ
12. And he, between this and that, you would see him
Smiling openly, with a clear brow.
١٢. وَهوَ مَا بَينَ ذَا وذاكَ تَرَاهُ
فِي ابتِسَامٍ وطَلقَةٍ مِن جَبِينِ
13. Sending one joke after another, responding to all those affairs,
And he, for one who complained of his condition, consoling,
١٣. مُرسِلٌ تِلوَ نكتَةٍ نُكتةً أُخ
رى مُجيباً عَن كُلِّ تلكَ الشُّؤونِ
14. Comforting the poor and destitute.
Satisfying everyone, so that you would not see,
١٤. وَهوَ مِن مُعوِزٍ لِحَالِهِ شاكٍ
جابِرٌ صَدعَ مُعوِزٍ مِسكِينِ
15. Anyone but grateful and obliged.
And at times he would quietly slip away from them,
١٥. فَيُرضِي خَوَاطرَ الكُلِّ حَتى
لاَ ترَى غَيرَ شاكِرٍ مَمنُونِ
16. As if wanting rest from the heaviness, like the approach of death.
But it fills his soul as he reckons,
١٦. وَببَعضِ الأحيَانِ يَرسُبُ مِنهم
كم ثَقِيلٍ كأَنَّه ريبُ المَنونِ
17. That his soul is light as oxygen.
An hour with them cannot avail him,
١٧. فِيلىُ الرُّوحِ وهوَ يَحسِبُ أنَّ الرُّ
وحَ منهُ فِي خِفَّةِ الأُكسِجِينِ
18. As it emerges from his chest at every moment.
Perhaps it would rest a little,
١٨. ليسَ تُجدِيهِ مَعهُمُ ساعةٌ تُخ
رَجُ مِن جَيبِ صَدرِهِ كلَّ حِينِ
19. That is my guess, though guesses may be wrong.
And in every gathering he would deliver,
١٩. ربَّما رَاحَت تَستَرِيحُ قَلِيلاً
ذَاك ظَنِّي وقد تَخيبُ ظُنُوني
20. A speech like hidden pearls.
In eloquence and in the sweetness of diction,
٢٠. وهو في كلِّ مَحفِلٍ كان يُلقي
مِن خطابٍ كَاللُّؤلُؤِ المَكنُونِ
21. You would see people swaying like branches.
I almost forgot, the car dove
٢١. فِي بَيانٍ وفي عُذُوبةِ لَفظٍ
فَتَرى النَّاسَ فِي تَثَنِّي الغُصُونِ
22. Among the dunes and the well of Al-Hussein.
In mountains of sand, though it dove
٢٢. كِدتُ أنسى بهِ السيارةُ غَاصت
بينَ مستورةٍ وبئرِ الحصينِ
23. Yet there was no rider but a helper.
He gathered the pushers, exerting effort,
٢٣. فِي جِبَالٍ منَ الرِّمَالِ وإِن غَا
صت فَما غَيرُ راكِبٍ من معينِ
24. While the left did not avail over the right.
I almost forgot the visit to Al-Toor when
٢٤. جَمَعَ الدَّافعينَ يَبُذلُ جُهداً
وشِمالٌ لم تُغنِهِ عن يَمينِ
25. He visited us in Al-Toor, every cheek shone.
It was truly in Al-Toor, by God it was,
٢٥. كِدتُ أنسى زيَّارةَ الطُّورِ لَمَّا
زَارَ مِنَّا في الطورِ كُلُّ خَدينِ
26. Like a prisoner visiting a prisoner.
From him we were like pearls around a full moon,
٢٦. هِىَ حَقًّا في الطورِ واللهِ كَانت
مِن سَجينٍ زِيارَةٌ لِسَجينِ
27. Yet this comparison does not suffice me.
He was to us like a bracelet on the wrist,
٢٧. مِنهُ كُنَّا كَهَالَةٍ حَولَ بَدرٍ
ثُمَّ هَذا التَّشبيهُ لاَ يَكفِيني
28. With which we circumambulated the mighty wall.
What is it to me to say curiously,
٢٨. كانَ منَّا كَمِعصَمٍ مِن سِوَارٍ
بِهِ طُفنَا طَوَافَ سورٍ مَتينِ
29. When this curiosity does not concern me?
Curiosity is like a sneeze, not intentional,
٢٩. أنَا مَالي وَلِلفُضولِ بِقَولِي
إنَّ هذَا الفضولَ لاَ يَعنِيني
30. If it comes excuse me.
٣٠. كَالعُطاسِ الفُضُولُ لا مِن مَرَدٍّ
لهُ إن جاءَ رَبَّهُ فاعذِروني