1. God knows best what the reason was
Until this wonder appeared to me
١. ألله أعلُم ما السَّبَبُ
حتَّى بَدَا لِي ذا العَجَب
2. Of the sincere affectionate one whose
Imagination about me has not been concealed
٢. من صادِق الوُدِّ الذي
عنِّي خَيالُهٌُ ما احتَجَب
3. They yearned for his solitude, and I
Became affectionate to whoever approached him
٣. أصبُوا لخُلّتِه وآ
مُل وُدَّ مَن مِنه اقترَب
4. And I revere him the utmost reverence
Who knows his status, politeness
٤. وأجلُّه إجلالَ مَن
يَدري مَكَانَته أدَب
5. And when his person appears to me
He appears to my heart what it sought
٥. وإذا بَد لِيَ شَخصُه
يَبدُو لقلبِيَ مَا طَلَب
6. And the heart is attracted to
A heart it has been attracted to
٦. والقَلبُ منجَذِبٌ لدَى
قَلبٍ إليهِ قدِ انجَذَب
7. But what had happened, happened
Oh how I wish I knew the reason
٧. لَكِن جَرَى ما قد جَرَى
يا لَيتَ شعري ما السَّبب
8. Is it because of a gloating saying
Or a mistake that was made
٨. هَل مِن مَقالةِ شامِتٍ
أم مِن مَلامَةٍ إرتَكَب
9. If it was the first, then that is
A jealous envier who has denied favor
٩. إِن كانتِ الأولَى فَذا
كَ حَسودُ فَضلٍ قد كَذَّب
10. Or if it was the latter, then
Relations of courtesy have been lost
١٠. أو كَانتِ الأخرَى فقَد
ضاعَت علاقاتُ الأدّب
11. Had my trust in your
Affection not been, I would not have answered this concern
١١. لو لَم تكُن ثِقتِي بِوُد
دِكَ لم أُجِبكَ لذَا الآرَب
12. And I would not have known anything but the most
Noble fragrance of all Arabs
١٢. ولَما عَرفتُ سِوَى أشم
مٍ دُونه شُمُّ العَرَب
13. Who would not accept millions of
Gold in exchange for his precious dignity
١٣. لا يَرتَضِي بدلاًُ بِعِزِّ
زَتِه ملايينَ الذَّهَب
14. We have little but
We are not lovers of positions
١٤. إنَّا علَى قُلٍّ بنا
لَسنا بعُشَّاق الرُّتَب
15. Rather we treat kindly those
Who are kind, of the people of courtesy
١٥. لكننَا نَصفُو لِمن
يَصفُو مِن أربَابِ الأَدب
16. I love the company of the cultured
And the young man with whom he loved
١٦. أهوَى مُصَافاةَ الأدي
بِ ومَن إلَى الأدَبِ انتَسَب
17. As for the ignorant, even if he
Filled the space with what he earned
١٧. وأُحبُّ أهلَ الفضلِ طُرّ
ا والفتَى مَعَ مَن أحب
18. I do not choose him as a companion
And I'm happiest when he is concealed from me
١٨. أمَّا الجَهولُ وإن يكُن
ملأَ الفضَا مَا قد كَسَب
19. Through knowledge the brother of leadership dominated
Not through money or lineage
١٩. لا أَصطَفيه مُخَاطَباً
وأسَرُّ إنعنِّي انحَجَب
20. The mention of virtues is eternal
While money perishes and lineage
٢٠. بالعِلمِ سَاد أخُو السِّيا
دةِ لا بمَالٍ أو نَسَب
21. O you who are singular in the stinginess
Of time with his collection in the chosen ones
٢١. ذِكرُ المَكارِم خالدٌ
والمالُ يَفنَى والنَّسَب
22. The Lord of eloquence and clarity when
He speaks or writes
٢٢. يا مُفرداً بخِل الزَّما
نُ بجمعِه في مَن نخَب
23. Magic is a torrent that amazes him
If he says poetry or writes
٢٣. رَبُّ الفصَاحَةِ والبيَا
نِ إذا تكَلَّم أو خَطَب
24. Why do I see you boycotting me
By God the Lord, truly
٢٤. والسِّحرُ سَيلُ يَراعِه
إِن قَالَ شِعرا أو كَتَب
25. I have been provoked by what
Appeared from you, and this is justified
٢٥. مَا لي أراكَ مُقاطِعي
إنِّي وحقٍ الله رَب
٢٦. لقَد انفَعَلتُ لِما بَدا
مِنكُم وهذا ما وَجَب