1. Birds of marble were sculpted
Oh how I wish to kill who sculpted them
١. بَلابلُ مِن مَرمَرٍ نُحِتَت
ألا قاتلَ اللهُ مَن نَحَتا
2. He truly mocked their beauty
And affirmed for art what we affirmed
٢. لقد صَوَّرَ السِّخرَ في حُسنَها
وأثبتَ لفن ما أثبتنا
3. Their sights became fair in beauty
And no young man told of their beauty
٣. فرَاعت مناظِرُها في الجَمال
ولم يحكِهَا في الجَمال فَتَى
4. Until their likeness came in splendor
So their likeness was startled when it came
٤. إلى أن أتى شبهُها رَوعَةً
فأزرَى بهَا شبهُهَا إذ أتَى
5. Some of them are hanging their heads in shame
Others thought to slip away
٥. فبعضُهُمُ مُطرِقٌ خَجَلاً
وَبَعضُهُم هَمَّ أَن يُفلِتَا
6. Some of them are turning away
And some turned towards it
٦. وَبَعضُهُمُ عنهُ ملتَفتٌ
وبعضهُمُ نحوهَ التفَتَا
7. They had rebelled before this with their beauty
Thus time subdues those who rebel
٧. عتَو قبلَ هذا بِحسنِهمُ
كذا الدهرُ يقهرُ من قَد عَتا