
I delayed composing poetry for him intentionally

تأخرت عن صوغ القريض له قصدا

1. I delayed composing poetry for him intentionally
So they would praise him collectively and I would praise him individually

١. تأخَّرتُ عن صَوغ القرِيض له قَصدا
لِكَى يمدحُوا جمَعا وأمدَحُه فردَا

2. For my love for him alone equals their love for him
Collectively and my poetry surpassed theirs in number

٢. فحُبِّي له وحدِي يُعادِلُ حبَّهُم
جميعا وشِعرِي فاقَ شعرَهُمُ عدَّا

3. Indeed, each individual sees nothing but what I see
So he does not see any rival in the love of his master

٣. بلَى كلُّ فردٍ لا يَرَى غيرَ ما أرَى
فليسَ يَرى في حبِّ مالِكه نِدَّا

4. What they composed in it were not pearls
Rather, they strung together beads of their hearts as a necklace

٤. فَما نظَمُوا فيهِ القَوافِي لآلئاً
بَلَى نظَموا حبَّات قلبِهمُ عِقدَا

5. And they did not chant the name of the king but rather
Their screams melted their emotions in affection

٥. وما هتَفُوا بِاسم المليكِ وإنَّمَا
بِصَيحاتِهم ذابت عواطفُهُم وُدَّا

6. So when his loyal people overflow with love
And musk and ambergris burst from his threshold

٦. فذا شعبُهُ الوافِي يَفيضُ محبَّةً
وَينشَقُ من أعتابِه المسِكَ والنَّدَّا

7. Indeed, this is how kings are exalted by their people
So he thanks them with gratitude for what he was given

٧. ألا هكذا تسمُو الملوكُ بِشعبِهم
فيشكرُهم شُكرا على ما لَه أسدَى

8. Rather, every generous king loves that he
Would have a servant for his farthest west

٨. بلَى كلُّ ملكٍ باذخٍ وَدَّ أنَّهُ
لمغربِهِ الأقصَى يكون له عَبدَا

9. And is there anything loftier than spreading knowledge
For a thirsty people whose watering place he made drinkable?

٩. وهل مثلُ نشر العلمِ أسمَى مَزيَّةٍ
لشعبٍ ظَمِىءٍ ساغَ مَنهلَه وِردا

10. With it the night of ignorance shone after gloom
And the dawn of knowledge rose for it is inevitable

١٠. به انجابَ ليلُ الجهلِ بعدَ تَغَيُّمٍ
وأشرقَ صبحُ العِلم إذ منه لا بُداَّ

11. It protected the true religion and blocked those
Who for their benefit schemed to plot against it

١١. وذَادَ عن الدِّين الحنيفِ وصَدَّ مَن
لِنفعِهِمُ راموا يكيدُوا له كَيدا

12. A king gifted by God with love of his country
So it was impassioned with him and achieved righteousness through him

١٢. مليكٌ حَباه اللهُ حُبُّ بِلادهِ
فهامَت به حُباً ونالت به رُشدا

13. Without him it would not have seen a ray of light
And would not have reached its goal through knowledge and cognition

١٣. ولولاه لم تُبصِر من النور طَلعةً
وبالعلم والعرفانِ لم تبلُغ القصدَا

14. Its light was hidden for a very long time but
With his radiant rising it shone with glory

١٤. خبَا نورُها دَهرا طويلاً وإنَّما
بطلعتِه الغرَّاءِ قد أشرقَت مَجدا

15. So my master's blood is beloved to his people
And mentioning you with sanctity taking it as accustomed

١٥. فدُم سيدِي للشعبِ قُرَّةً عينهِ
وذِكرَكًَ بالتقديسِ مُتَّخذاً وِردَا

16. May your Lord precede you to the throne gloriously
And keep you, my Master, our unique refuge

١٦. سُبقِيكَ ربُّ العرشِ للِعرشِ مفخَراً
ويُبقيكَ يا مولاَيَ مَوئِلنا الفردَا

17. You remained true to the integrity of name and prohibition
You remained for cubs who you will see become lions

١٧. ودُمتَ لصدِّيقيةِ الإسمِ والنُّهَى
ودمتَ لأشبالٍ ستُبصرُهم أُسدَا

18. And you remained for the sincere love of tomorrow
A servant at your door who is unmatched

١٨. ودم للتهامي المُخلصِ الوُدَّ من غَدَا
لٍِبابك عَبدا لا يُرَى مِثلُه عَبدا

19. Proud of you who did not forget your favors
Which he will praise you for as long as days continue

١٩. فخورٌ بِكم لم ينسَ أنعُمَك التِي
عليها مدَى الأيام يحمَدُكُم حَمدا