1. The loss of loved ones is like being in a stance
He chose to take a stand at the stance
١. فَقدُ الأحبَّةِ مَوقفٌ كالمَوقفِ
اختَار عنهُ وقفَةً في الموقفِ
2. For He has a Lord who meets with acceptance
And the flames of that do not extinguish in minds
٢. فلهَذِه ربٌّ يُقَابلُ بالرِّضَى
ولَهيبُ ذلكَ في الحشَا لا يَنطَفِي
3. God is in a heart torn with sorrow
For loved ones who disappear before him
٣. اللَّهَ في قلبٍ تقطَّعَ حسرَةً
من أجلِ أحبَابٍ أمَامه تَختَفي
4. The loss of loved ones - how bitter its occurrence
In the heart of a youth who found no comforter
٤. فقدُ الأَحبَّة مَا أَمرَّ وقُوعَه
في قلبِ صبٍّ لم يجِد مِن مُسعِفِ
5. Until when will time cease its arrows?
And until when will my faithful heart be targeted?
٥. حتَّى متَى يَبرِي الزمانُ سِهامَهُ
وإلَى متى يُرمَى بها قلبِي الوفِي
6. Do justice, O time, to one laid low
Who did not find among those around him one who is just
٦. أنصف بحقِّك يَا زمانُ مُسَهَّدا
لم يلقَ فيمَن حولَه مِن مُنصِفِ
7. My state is like the state of a bird seized
By a trap, so it seeks deliverance by fluttering
٧. حَالي كحالةِ طَائرٍ قد ضمَّهُ
شَرَكٌ فرامَ خَلاصَهُ بِترَفرُفِ
8. And I try what I try, helpless
Again it, so my stance resembles my stance
٨. وأنَا أُحاولُ ما أحَاوِل عَاجِزاً
عنهُ فمَوقفُهُ يُشَابهُ موقِفِي
9. For God there were loved ones I lost with their loss
My fervent heart's pleasure was forgotten
٩. لله أحبابٌ فقَدتُ بفَقدِهم
اُنسِي وصَفوَ فؤَادِى المتَلهِّفِ
10. For God there were days I lived happily with their nearness
In their shade, while the nights celebrated around us
١٠. لله أيَّامٌ نعِمتُ بِقُربِهِم
في ظلِّهَا وبنا اللَّيالي تحتَفِي
11. And time sullenly turned its eye from our perfect union
Gathered in grace and excellence of harmony
١١. والدهرُ مُغضٍ طَرفَه عن شَملنَا ال
مَجمُوع في صَفوٍ وحُسنِ تأَلُّفِ
12. Until it stained me with what it stained me
And time was unkind after its good composure
١٢. حتَّى دهَانىَ ما دهَانىَ فيهمُ
وأسَاء دَهري بعدَ حُسن تَصرُّفِ
13. So I placed my palm under my cheek submissively
And placed the other over my fluttering heart
١٣. فوضَعتُ كفِّى تحتَ خدِّىَ خاضِعا
ووضَعتُ أُخرى فوقَ قلبي المُرهَفِ
14. They left and the serenity of my life left with them
So the heart is between regret and yearning
١٤. غَابوا وغابَ صَفاءُ عَيشِي بعدَهُم
فالقلبُ بينَ تَحَسُّرٍ وتلَهُّفِ
15. They walked away and bid teary farewells
And I had enough of the flowing tears
١٥. سَاروا وأوصَوا بي دُموعاً ذُرَّفاً
ولقد سئِمتُ منَ الدُّموع الذُّرَّفِ
16. Have mercy, O God, the mercy of a supplicant
To you extends the palm of the despairing beseecher
١٦. رُحماكَ يا اللَّهُ رَحمةَ ضارِعٍ
لك مُدُّ كَفُّ اليائِس المُستَعطِفِ
17. Until when do I shepherd the stars sleepless?
And count them appearing or disappearing
١٧. حتى متَى أرعَى الكَواكِب سَاهراً
وأعُدُّهَا مِن طالِعٍ أو مُختَفِ
18. After my loved ones left, I became other than myself
From the agony that afflicted my grieving heart
١٨. قد صِرت غَيرِي بعدَ فقدِ أحِبَّتي
مِن فرطِ ما قد مَسَّ قلبِي المُدنَفِ
19. It's as if this separation came to show clearly
The weakness of the strong, and the strength of the weak
١٩. فكأنَّ هذا البينُ جاءَ مُبَيِّناً
ضعفَ القِوي وقُوَّةَ المُستَضعَفِ
20. God has a secret with people, so we see
Him choosing for His servants as He chooses
٢٠. لِله سرٌّ في العبَاد فكم نَرا
هُ يصطِفي لِعبَادهِ ما يَصطَفِي
21. And He then favors His servant with His subtle kindness
Until he tastes the sweetness of that hidden grace
٢١. وَيُمنُّ بعدُ بِلُطفِه عن عَبدِه
حتَّى يَذوقَ حلاوةَ اللطفِ الخَفِي