1. With your red return, it was intended for her
So it is a return like the sun brought forward by good fortune
١. بِعودتكَ الحَمرَاء تمَّ لها القصدُ
فَذِي عودةٌ كالشمسِ يقُدمُها السَّعد
2. The longing one for your redness, its people have met you
You have arrived just as the roses arrived in their season
٢. بحَمرائِكَ المُشتَاقُ لُقيَاكَ أهلُهَا
حَللتَ كما قد حلَّ في فصلِه الوَردُ
3. So you revived them with soul and imbued their hearts
With joy where old and young are equal
٣. فأَنعشتَهم رُوحا وأفعمتَ قلبَهم
سُرورا تساوَى الشِّيبُ في ذاك والوِلدُ
4. Indeed with you the whole country has shone
For rising in the land is a singular flag
٤. بلَى بكُمُ قد أشرقَ القطرُ كلُّه
فإنَّ التهامي في الورى عَلَمٌ فردُ
5. And the people protected you, their hearts overflow
With joy and their hearts are filled with love and affection for you
٥. وأمَّ حمَاك الشعبُ يَطفَحُ قلبُه
سرورا وملءُ القلب حبُّك والودُّ
6. For you, each day has renewal in its qualities
So no day passed without merits appearing for you
٦. لكُم كلَّ يوم في المزَايا تجدُّدٌ
فلم يَخلُ يومٌ من مزايا لكُم تَبدو
7. So you blocked from treachery those who intended their plots
Indeed, the plots of the defectors are just plots
٧. فذُدتَ عن الفُرقان مَن رامَ كيدَه
ألاَ إنَّ كيدَ المارِقين هُو الكَيدُ
8. You will face from the Judge what you deserve
And what you deserve is reward, it is eternity
٨. ستلقَى من الدَّيَّان ما أنتَ أهلُه
وما أنتَ أهلُه جزاءً هو الخُلدُ
9. If the absence of my Master from us grows long
It was just the ebb that follows the flood
٩. لئن طالَ من مولاي عنا مَغيبُه
فما كان إلا الجزرُ يعقُبه المَدُّ
10. Nations have competed in hosting his person
For how many great states does one person represent?
١٠. تبارت شعوبٌ في ضِيافَة شخصِه
فكم دَولةٍ عُظمَى يُمثِّلُها فردُ
11. And every great person of status in East and West
Is an acquaintance, and equal recognizes equal
١١. وكلُّ عظيمِ القدرِ شرقا ومضغرِبا
به عارِفٌ والنِّدُّ يَعرِفه النِّدُّ
12. When you return, goodness returns to all the people
And if you are absent, it brings them pride as is the custom
١٢. إذا عُدتَ عاد الخيرُ للشعبِ كلِّه
وتُكسِبُه إن غبتَ فخراُ كما العَهدُ
13. It seems to dance from excessive joy
So its tunes sing and its feet run
١٣. تَخَالُه نَشوَانا لِفرطِ سروره
فأنغامُه تشدُو وأقدامُه تَعدُو
14. And the week of joy has lasted, adorned
By your radiant rising, its sleepy eyes kohl'd
١٤. وقد دام أسبوعُ السُّرور وكُحِّلَت
بطلعَتِك الغرَّاءِ أعيُنُه الرُّمدُ
15. And your ideal views illuminate its darkness
When opinion is thirsty, the roses are sweet water
١٥. وآراؤكَ المُثلَى تُنِير غَيَاهباً
إذا ظِمِىءَ الرأيُ فقد عَذُب الوِرد
16. About Umm Al-Rada you were asked and you answered them
And it was an answer with purpose for them from the eminent
١٦. عن أُمِّ الرَّدَى لما سُئِلتَ أجَبتَهم
وكانَ جوابا من عَظيم لهم قصدُ
17. Weapons of iron have appeared just as
Others appeared, and peace will emerge after
١٧. سِلاحُ حَدِيد قد بَدا مثلَما بدا
سِوَاه وسُلحَانٌ ستظهر مِن بعدُ
18. And they were amazed by his answer, and it appeared
To them not as they had imagined it would appear
١٨. وقد شُدِهوا مِنه جوابا وقد بَدا
لهم غيرَ ما كَانوا يَظنونَه يبدُو
19. And mightiness seems small in the eyes of the great
While the small seems vast in the eyes of the lesser
١٩. وتصغُرُ في عين العظِيم عظيمَةٌ
وصُغرَى بأًَعيُن الأصاغِر تَمَتَدُّ
20. Thus, let whoever aspires to represent his people be so
Or else for man are his house and praise
٢٠. كَذَا فَليَكُن مَن رَامَ تَمثيلَ شعبهِ
وَإِلا فلِلإِنسانِ بَيتُه وَالحَمدُ
21. Happy is he who has been in its shadow
Like its loyal servant, and for us to God there is no limit
٢١. هَنيئاً لِمن قد صار في ظِلِّ رَكبهِ
كخادِمه الوَافي وما للهَنا حدُّ