1. The cubs of Kesker come from the sons of Mozwari
And who can be ransomed with hearings and sights
١. شِبل القَساورِ من أبناءِ مزوارِ
ومَن يُفَدَّى بِأسماعٍ وأبصَارِ
2. And who has greatly esteemed himself in the sky of glory
And whose fame has spread like the light of stars
٢. ومن تَعاظمَ قَدراً في سماءِ عُلاً
ومَن سَرى صيتُه مَسيرَ أنوار
3. With him I extol a master whose mastery has shone
So talk of him has spread in every region
٣. أعظِم به سيِّداً لاحت سِيادَتُه
فَطبَّقَ الذِّكرُ منه كلَّ أقطار
4. His excellent morals have adorned his eloquence
So his nature is like an ongoing chain
٤. قد زانَ أخلاقَه المُثلَى طلاقَتُه
فالطبعُ منه كمثلِ السلسلِ الجاري
5. Or like the blowing of breeze at dawn
From a garden watered by fragrant rain
٥. أو كهُبوبِ نسيمٍ هبَّ في سَحَرٍ
مِن روضةٍ بوكرَت بالغيثِ مِعطار
6. How many dear needs has he fulfilled for us
Good omens are his blessings and facilitation is his sign
٦. كم من أخي حاجةٍ كفاهُ أسعدُنا
فاليُمنُ يُمناهُ واليُسرى لإِيسارِ
7. For God, for God is Ibrahim whom he makes insightful
He guides and commands calmly and patiently
٧. للَّهِ لِلهِ إبراهيمُ تُبصرُه
يَنهَى ويَامرُ في ناهٍ وأمَّارِ
8. You see the precision of opinion in the clarity of his wisdom
In the perspicacity of a bright and pure mind
٨. تَرى حصافةَ رأيٍ في بداهةِ حُك
م في فِراسةِ ذِهنٍ ساطِعٍ وارِ
9. The secrets of their essence were not hidden from his thoughts
It's as if his mind comprehends all ideas
٩. لم يخفَ عن فِكرِه أسرارُ باطنِهم
كأنما فكرُه في كلِّ أفكار
10. His ascent adds awe to his splendor
For brilliance and praise are the nature of moons
١٠. يزيدُ هيبتَه إشراقُ طلعَتِه
إنَّ السَّنا والسناءَ طَبعُ أقمار
11. How could it not be when he is a branch of origin from a man
Whose destiny surpassed the extent of all measures
١١. وكيف لا وهو فرعُ الأصلِ مِن رَجُلٍ
قد فاقَ قدرُه قَدرَ كلِّ مِقدار
12. Grandson of the ambitious and high-reaching Tahami
Pride of Africans, protector of neighbors
١٢. نجلُ التهامي العِصاميِّ البعيدِ مَدىً
فخرِ الأفَارقةِ الحامي حِمى الجارِ
13. And it is no wonder the lion cub trails the lions
And is not spring water sweetest from flowers?
١٣. والشبلُ إذ يَقتَفِي الآسادَ لا عَجَبٌ
وماءُ زهرٍ ألم يَطِب مِنَ أزهَارِ
14. I will not forget when he came to me in sickness
Removing my pains and harms by his presence
١٤. لم أنسَ إذ عَادني في السُّقمِ عائِدُهُ
فزالَ عن إثرِه سُقمي وأضراري
15. I will not forget his words to me when he saw me
Showing beautiful manners of free men
١٥. لم أنسَ قولتَه لي حينَ أبصَرني
مُسَلِّياً مُبدياً أخلاقَ أحرارِ
16. It is not fit for the likes of me to reject a good deed
Rejection is only among the wicked
١٦. حاشا لمثلي جميلَ الصنع يُنكِره
فليس يُنكَر إلا عندَ أشرَارِ
17. Those whose souls have been corrupted with meanness
Cannot be cleansed by waters of rivers
١٧. مَن خَبُثَت منهمُ لُؤماً نُفوسُهمُ
فليسَ تغسِلُها مِياهُ أنهار
18. They let loose their tongues' poison at the poet
Yet he does not vie with them in gathering dinars
١٨. قد أطلَقوا في الأديبِ سمَّ ألسُنِهم
ولم يُزاحمهم في جَمعِ دينار
19. This is their way with all who have grace
For they forget not days of poverty
١٩. مع كلِّ ذي نِعمةٍ هذاكَ دابُهُمُ
فإنهم ما نَسَوا أيامَ إعسار
20. As long as you do good to them with your hands
You only add fire to their fire
٢٠. ما دمتَ تُسدي إليهم مِن صَنيع يَدٍ
إلا وزادَ الحشا ناراً على نارِ
21. So be safe and continue, O father of benevolence
Sheltered in the protection of the Eternal Lord
٢١. فاسلَم ودُم يا أبا الخيراتِ مُكتَنفاً
مُحصَّناً في حِمى المُهيمنِ الباري