1. O Abu al-Hasan, pardon me, for I am like one who offends,
While you are like one who forgives or overlooks treachery.
١. أبا الحَسنِ اصفَح إنَّ مثلِي مَن جَنَى
ومثلُك مَن أعفَى مِن الغدرِ أو عَفا
2. If I made a slip and spoke harshly,
And you burdened my hearing with your reproaches that could not be ignored,
٢. أَإِن طوَّحت بِي هفوةٌ قلتُ جَفوَةً
وحمَّلتَ سَمعِي من عِتابِك ما نفَا