
His Lord prayed upon Muhammad

صلى على محمد ربه

1. His Lord prayed upon Muhammad
And turned from his greetings his direction

١. صلَّّى علَى محمَّد ربُّه
وهلَّ من تَسلِيمه صَوبُه

2. His chosen one, the best messenger for Him
His beloved, from His love is his love

٢. صَفِيُّهُ خيرُ رسولٍ لَه
حبِيبه من حُبِّه حُبُّهُ

3. If a party opposed His party
Muhammad prevailed with his party

٣. إن ذلَّ حِزبٌ مِن عدُولِه
محمَّدٌ عَزَّ به حِزبُه

4. His Lord prayed upon Muhammad
Whoever praises him, his riding animal walked

٤. صَلَّى على محمَّدٍ ربُّه
مَن بِمدِيحهِ مشَى رَكبُه

5. So the best one to guide His creation through him
Is the one who is the core of His creation

٥. فخَيرُ مَن يَهدى به خَلقَهُ
مَن هُو بينَ خلقِه لُبُّهُ

6. Prayed upon him every messenger of His
The meadow of guidance flourished its plants

٦. صلَّى علَيه مِن رَسُولٍ به
رَوضُ الهُدَى مُخضرَّةٌ عُشبُه

7. Prayed upon him every messenger of His
His scriptures foretold the good news of him

٧. صلَّى علَيه مِن رَسُولٍ به
قر بشَّرَتهُم رُسلهُ كُتبُه

8. Prayed upon him every messenger of His
Who softened those of hardened hearts

٨. صلَّى علَيه مِن رَسُولٍ به
يَلينُ من ذِي قَسوَة صُلبُه

9. No mysteries were veiled from him, for indeed
Their veils were lifted from his mysteries

٩. لم تَحتَجِب عنهُ غُيوبٌ فقَد
تكشَّفَت مِن غَيبِه حُجبُه

10. Prayed upon him every messenger of His
The youth of the religion's sword raged for him

١٠. صلَّى عَليه مِن رسُولٍ به
يَهيم نجل سيف دِينٍ صَبُّه