
O God bless the brothers who honored me

يا رعى الله إخوة كرموني

1. O God bless the brothers who honored me
Who can help me thank them, who can help me?

١. يا رَعى الله إخوةً كَرَّمُوني
مَن مُعِينِي عَن شكرهم مَن مُعِيني

2. They honored me, nay they honored the art of poetry
And the art of literature is the best of arts

٢. كَرَّمُوني بل كَرَّمُوا فَنَّ آدا
بٍ وفنَّ الآدابِ خَيرُ الفنُونِ

3. They saw me as a brother of praise, so they praised
And being pleased by my loved ones is enough for me

٣. قَد رَأوني أخا الثناءِ فَأثنَوا
وَالرِّضَى مِن أحِبَّتِي يَكفِينِي

4. They honored me, nay they honored the excellence among them
I am but a manifestation of it, they have made me

٤. كَرَّمُوني بَل كَرَّمُوا منهُمُ فض
لاً أنا مظهرٌ له جَعَلُوني

5. That is because without you who am I, O
My purity, and without me who are you

٥. ذَاكَ إذ من أنَا بِدُونِكُم يَا
رُ صَفَائِي وَأنتمُ مَن بِدُونِي

6. I am you, and you are me, like the
Two hands, its left with my right

٦. أَنا أَنتمُ وَأَنتمُ أَنا كالأَي
دِي رِفَاقِي شِمَالُهَا بِيَمِينِي

7. That is affection from you, stirred by
A hand of sincerity from you to me, steadfast

٧. تِلكَ منكُم عَوَاطفٌ حَرَّكتها
يَدُ إخلاَصٍ منكُم لِي مَكينِ

8. Indeed, sincerity from you to me is sincerity
To an art over the passage of years

٨. إنَّ إخلاَصا منكُمُ لِىَ إخلا
صٌ لِفَنٍّ علَى مَمَرِّ السِّنِين

9. You have said you have fulfilled a duty
Towards me, so who am I to repay debts

٩. قلتُمُ قد قَضَيتُمُ وَاجباً نح
وِي فمَن لِي أنا بِرَدِ الدًُيون

10. It is my heart and what I have besides it
So take it if you wish, and forgive me

١٠. هوَ قَلبِي ومَا لَدىَّ سَواهُ
فَخُذُوه إن شئتمُ واعذِرُوني

11. O youth of Morocco, rectify genius
The people have known it with certain knowledge

١١. يا شبَابَ الحَمرَاءِ زَكُّوا نُبوغا
عَلِمَته الأَنامُ عِلمَ يَقِين

12. The House of Marrakesh on this day delighted
Eyes from you, and my eyes delighted

١٢. آلَ مرَّاكشٍ بِذا اليوم قَرَّت
أعينٌ منكُمُ وقَرَّت عُيوني

13. Indeed, Marrakesh is a lion's den
Or is it not the place of that den?

١٣. إنَّ مراكشا عَرينُ اُسُودٍ
أَوَ مَا ذِي شُبولُ ذاكَ العَرِين

14. The College of Ibn Yusuf of old
A fountain of arts since ages past

١٤. إن كلِّيةَ ابنِ يُوسُفَ قِدماً
مَنبَعٌ لِلفُنون منذُ قُرُون

15. It has prospered in its view and sweetened in aroma
Like a garden of flowers hidden from gazes

١٥. إزدهَت مَنظَرا وطَابت أريجا
مثلَ رَوضِ الزُّهُور غِبَّ هَتُون

16. All this by the grace of the best king
Strong in opinion, enlightened of forehead

١٦. كلُّ هذا بفضلِ خَيرِ مَليك
نَأصرِ الرَّأيِ مُستَنيرِ الجَبِين

17. And the virtuous men of government, if not for them
Hopes would fail in knowledge, all hopes

١٧. ورِجَالُ الحكُومةِ الغُرُّ لولاَ
هُم لخَابت في العلمِ كلُّ الظنُون

18. And when I come, O gathering, hesitant
Out of shyness and decency, forgive me

١٨. وإذا يا حضُورُ جِئتُ مقِلاًّ
مِن حيَاءٍ وحِشمَة فَاعذِرُوني