1. The ages yearned for this day until
The victorious king of the earth came
١. ضَنَّت بهذا اليومِ قبلُ عُصورُ
حتى أتَى مَلِكُ الورَى المَنصورُ
2. A holiday worthy of Prince Muhammad
And Prince Muhammad is worthy of it
٢. عيد جديرٌ بالأميرِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وبه الأميرُ محمدٌ لجديرُ
3. A holiday whose light glittered so if you glanced at it
An eye turned towards it, captivated and delighted
٣. عيدٌ تَلألأ نورُه فإذا رَنا
طَرفٌ إليه ارتَدَّ وهو حَسيرُ
4. A holiday elevated by the Prince, so its pride soared
And the elegant garland on his neck was proud
٤. عيدٌ تَسامى بالأمير فَخارُه
وَبجيدِه العِقدُ البَديعُ فَخورُ
5. If not for him, time would not have been forgiving, but
Time was commanded by his order
٥. لولاهُ ما سمَحَ الزَّمانُ به ول
كنَّ الزَّمانَ بأمرِهِ مأمورُ
6. O you who assumed the throne of our hearts after
The throne on which our love was confined
٦. يا مَن تَبَوَّا بعدَ عَرشِ قُلوبِنا
عَرشاً عليه حُبُّنَا مَقصُور
7. The people are your people, and God is your supporter
And the holiday is your holiday, and happiness is happiness
٧. الشَّعبُ شعبُكَ والإلهُ مُؤَيِّدٌ
والعيدُ عِيدُكَ والسُّرورُ سرورُ
8. You are the Prince over people as you are over
Days, your day O Prince of Princes
٨. أنتَ الأميرُ على الأنامِ كما على ال
أيامِ يَومُكَ يا أميرُ أميرُ
9. A day when the people equaled in their loyalty
To your ascension, both elder and young
٩. يومٌ تَساوى الشَّعبُ في إخلاَصِه
لِعُلاَكَ فيه كَبيرُه وصَغيرُ
10. A memento of a day when the Prophet's people swore
Allegiance to protect you, which was easy on their hearts
١٠. ذِكرَى ليومٍ يَمُّمَ الشعبُ النَّبي
لُ حِماكَ فيه على القُلوب يَسيرُ
11. And came to you pledging, while the eye from
The chronicles of our Maghreb with that was delighted
١١. وأتى إليكَ مُبايعاً والطَّرفُ من
تاريخِ مَغربِنا بذَاكَ قَريرُ
12. The gardens of eloquence blossomed and
From their sleeves the flowers of rhetoric bloomed
١٢. هَشَّت رِياضُ بلاغَةٍ وتَفَتَّحَت
فيهِ عنَ أكمامِ البَديع زُهورُ
13. You see the nightingales of expression singing
Their melodies, echoing enchantingly
١٣. فتَرى شحاريرَ البيانِ تَصادَحت
أنغامَهَّن يُرَدِّدنَّ أثيرُ
14. The banner of your victory waving over your palace
And its star pointing to the heights
١٤. ولواءُ نَصرِكَ فوقَ قَصرِك خافِقٌ
والنَّجمُ منه لِلعَلاءِ يُشيرُ
15. The red flag we love
And our people were created infatuated with it
١٥. ألرايةُ الحمراءُ نحنُ نُحِبُّهَا
وعلى هَواها شَعبُنا مَفطُورُ
16. The holiday yearns to you after being away
And its yearning is justified in its affection
١٦. يصبو إليكَ العيدُ بعدَ فِراقِه
والصَّبُّ في تَحنانِه مَعذور
17. It hopes to return to you before its time
So you see it glancing back after a short while
١٧. يَرجو الرُّجوعَ إليكَ قبلَ أوانِه
فَتَراهُ مُلتَفتاً غَداةَ يَسيرُ
18. O holiday do not grieve, for you are hidden
In our hearts until months pass
١٨. يا عيدُ لا تَحزَن فإنَّكَ كامِنٌ
بقُلوبِنَا حتى تَدورَ شَهورُ
19. Then you will return joyfully and see us, and we
Will have almost died of affection for you
١٩. فتعودُ مُبتهِجاً وتُبصِرُنا وقد
كِدنا إليكَ منَ الحنانِ نَطيرُ
20. O holiday this is your throne, the Victorious
Or O throne this is your famed holiday
٢٠. يا عيدُ هذا عرشُكَ المنصورُ أو
يا عرشُ هذا عيدُكَ المَشهورُ
21. On it hands shook and hearts
Shook hands from before and images
٢١. فيه تصافَحَتِ الأكُفُّ ولِلقلو
بِ تَصافُحٌ من قبلِها وهُصورُ
22. If it is said who is the king the wishes take refuge in
Crying for a wish so he would save
٢٢. إن قيل مَن مَلِكٌ تَلوذُ به المُنى
مُستَصِرخاتٍ عن نَوىً فيُجيرُ
23. And who is it that tongues flow with the mention of him
So musk diffuses between us and fragrance
٢٣. ومنِ الذي تَجري بِذِكرِه ألسنٌ
فَيضوعُ مِسكٌ بيننا وعَبيرُ
24. And who is it that the eloquent yearn to praise
Passionately for what his feelings inspire in him
٢٤. ومَنِ الذي يَصبو البليغُ لِمَدحِهِ
شوقاً لِما يُمليهِ عنهُ شُعورُ
25. The people looked upon King Muhammad
And their palms stretched toward him
٢٥. نَظَرَ الأنامُ إلى المَليكِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وأكُفُّهُم طُراًّ إليه تُشيرُ
26. A king in whose arena glories camped
And glory's train there dragged
٢٦. مَلِكٌ بساحَتِهِ المَعالي خَيَّمَت
والمَجدُ فيها ذَيلُه مَجرورُ
27. So by his covenant these pacts shone
And from it the light for the subjects shone
٢٧. فَبِعهدِه هذي المَعاهدُ أشرَقَت
وأضاءَ منها للرَّعيَةِ نُورُ
28. And the night of ignorance vanished and moved on
Guided by the female rising stars of ascension and male
٢٨. وانجابَ ليلُ جَهالةٍ وَسَرت على
هَدي إِناث لِلعُلاَ وذُكورُ
29. A king whom God granted the love of his country
So by his love for it and prayers it thrives
٢٩. مَلِكٌ حَباهُ اللهُ حُبَّ بِلاَدِه
فبِحُبِّها ودُعائِها مَمطُورُ
30. A king if the kings of earth are mentioned, Fes
Is mentioned among them
٣٠. ملِكٌ إذا ذكرت مُلوكُ الأرضِ فاس
مُه في الطَّليعةِ بينَهُم مذكورُ
31. In a blessed journey where his praise was recited
Among them like verses in lines
٣١. في رحلةٍ مَيمونةٍقد رُتِّلَت
آياتُ مِدحِه بَينَهُم وسُطُورُ
32. To God belong days that smiled their lips
So smiles broke out in the whole world
٣٢. لِلّهِ أيَّامٌ تَبَسَّمَ ثَغرُها
فَتَبَسَّمَت في العالَمينَ ثُغُورُ
33. And the care of the Merciful surrounds his realm
And from it the subjects are surrounded by a fence
٣٣. وعِنايةُ الرحمنِ تشمَلُ قُطرَهُ
ويُحيطُ منها بالرَّعيَة سُورُ
34. And He shows him in his cubs all that is wished
And in their full moons the blossoms of stars revolve
٣٤. ويُريهِ في أشبَالِهِ كلَّ المُنى
وبِبَدرهَا زُهرُ النُّجومِ تَدورُ
35. And He shows him from their grandchildren, their grandchildren
And God, Lord of the worlds is Capable
٣٥. ويُريهِ من أحفادهِم أحفَادهُم
واللهُ ربُّ العالَمينَ قديرُ
36. The hearts of the people did not tremble with joy when
The herald of the throne holiday came
٣٦. ما اهتَزَّ قلبُ الشعبِ من َفَرَحٍ إذا
بحلولِ عيدِ العرشِ جاءَ بَشيرُ