
My hair cascades like a halo around my forehead

أسدل الشعر هالة للجبين

1. My hair cascades like a halo around my forehead
Who will aid me against love? Who will aid me?

١. أسدَلَ الشَّعرُ هَالةً لِلجبينِ
مَن مُعينِي عَلى الهَوى مَن مُعِينِي

2. He drank one wine then switched to another
With a glance like an unsheathed sword

٢. قَد سَقَى خمرةً وطَافَ بِأُخرى
مِن لحاظٍ كالباترِ المَسنُونِ

3. His eyelids toyed with me, so is there
A cure for me before you lose me?

٣. لَعِبت مُقلَتاه فىَّ فَهل لي
مِن دَوَاءٍ من قبلِ أن تَفقِدوني

4. My friends, consider my miserable state
My eyes brimmed with tears and became bleary

٤. يا رِفَاقي انظروا لشحَالِ مُعَنّىً
قَد جرى طَرفُه بِدمَعٍ هَتونِ

5. If he visits me, he visits a contented youth
A sip of his affection would suffice me

٥. إن يَزُرني يَزورُ صَبّاً قَنوعاً
رَشفةٌ مِن رُضَا بِهِ تَكفِيني

6. My tears have wept more than my heart
And restraint suffices the freed captive

٦. أكثَرَ الشكوى مَدمَعشي من فُؤَادي
وكَفى للطَّليقِ قَيدُ السَّجينِ

7. The mole has vanished from you beneath
His lips though not from my eyes

٧. اختَفى الخَالُ عنكمُ تحتَ سُفلى
شَفَتيهِ وما اختَفَى عَن عُيُوني

8. You were intoxicated by a sip from my heart
While we by a wink from his eyelids

٨. قد سَكِرتُم بِجُرعَةٍ مِن فُؤَادي
وسَكِرنا برَقدَةٍ مِن جُفونِ

9. Oh generous one, be generous and spend
My soul on me and be not stingy

٩. يَا كَريمُ فَكُن كَريماً وَجُد عَن
نِي بِروحي ولا تَكُن بِالضَّنينِ

10. My Lord, why do I see them in love with me
My admirers, as if they are lovers?

١٠. رَبِّ ما لي ولِلحِسانِ أرَاهُم
فِي طِلابي كََأنَّهم عَشِقُونِي

11. You have decided, so be merciful if you decide
And gently take me as befits the noble

١١. قد قَدرتُم فَرَحمَةً إِن قَدَرتُم
وَبِرِفقٍ شَانَ الكِرَامِ خُذُونِي

12. Like a thief, so beware of stealing what is
In his mouth of precious pearls and gems

١٢. كَمَن اللِّصُّ فاحذَروا سَلبَ مَا في
ثَغرِهِ مِن عُقَيدٍ دَرٍّ ثَمينِ

13. Forgive me if my words stammer
Who will aid me against love? Who will aid me?

١٣. واعذروني إذا تَلَجلَجَ قَولي
مَن مُعِيني عَلى الهَوى مَن مُعِينِي

14. Competing beauties are the best of beauties
And the eyes of a beauty are the best eyes

١٤. فَتهامي الجَمالِ خَيرُ جَميلِ
وعُيونُ الجَميلِ خَيرُ عُيونِ