
Did you come with permission or did you come without permission

أتيت بإذن أم أتيت بلا إذن

1. Did you come with permission or did you come without permission
If there is no permission from your Lord then leave me

١. أتيتَ بِإِذنٍ أم أتيتَ بلا إذنِ
إذا لم يَكُن إذنٌ بِرَبِّكَ فاترُكني

2. Your father knows that you have infatuated me
And He knows all knowledge, and woe is me

٢. أبوكَ على علمٍ بأنَّكَ فاتِني
ويَعلَمُ كلَّ العِلمِ وا أسَفِي أنِّي

3. And I have the best relationship with him in affection
I have been respected by him as I have been respected by you

٣. ولي معَهُ في الوُدِّ خيرُ علاقَةٍ
قدِ احتُرِمَت منه كما احتُرِمَت مِنِّي

4. So you see me afraid in your meeting
So that no doubts arise in his mind

٤. فأَنتَ تراني في لِقائِكَ خائِفاً
لِكَى لا يَحومُ الشَّكُّ منهُ على ذِهن

5. Therefore satisfying the conscience is imperative
If indifference from me overcomes you then excuse me

٥. لِذاكَ وإِرضاءُ الضَّميرِ مُحَتَّمٌ
إذا سادَكَ الإعراضُ مِنِّىَ فاعذِرنِى

6. And my Lord knows what I harbor inside
Of my passion for you in my tormented heart, but

٦. ويعلمُ رَبِّي ما انطَوَيتُ عليه مِن
غَرامِكَ في قلبي المُعَذّبِ لَكِنِي