1. Ask me about him, and about his character
A human body with the soul of a tiger
١. سائلي عنهُ وعن سيرَتِهِ
جِسمُ إنسانٍ به روحُ نَمِر
2. Bent on evil and bringing evil and harm
Created for the purpose of doing harm
٢. وعلى الشرِّ وجَلبِ الشَرِّ والس
سَعي في الإيجادِ للشَّرِّ فُطِر
3. He cares not for good, though good appears
But when evil arises, he rushes forward
٣. ماله والخيرُ إن خيرٌ بَدا
وإذا ما لاحَ شَرٌّ يَبَدِر
4. Breaker of covenants, treacherous, betrayer
Violator of oaths, deceitful, wicked
٤. ناكثُ العهدِ خَئونٌ غادِرٌ
فاجرُ الأيمانِ أفَّاكٌ أشِر
5. And a brother to him if he is betrayed
So it's fitting he be betrayed by others
٥. وشقيقٌ له إن يغدر بهِ
فَحَرِىٌّ بِسواهُ إن غُدِر
6. His ears hear any whisper of evil
Yet they're deaf to all words of good
٦. سَمعُ سِمع له إن شَرٌّ بَدا
وله سَمعٌ عنِ الخَيرِ وَقَر
7. Disabled in virtue, though able in vice
A fox if doing evil brings gain
٧. ولهُ في الفَضلِ رجلا مُقعَدٍ
وهو في اللُّؤمِ سُلَيكٌ إن يَسِر