1. Has spring arrived in blooming
With its flowers blossoming
١. هل أقبَلَ الربيعُ في ازدِهارِ
بزَهرِه مُفَتَّحَ الأَزهارِ
2. That's why I see people in joy
Rather, the tidings of hopes have arrived
٢. لِذَا أرى الأنامَ في سُرورِ
بل أقبَلت بشائِرُ الآماني
3. Upon mankind, both near and far
And spread their banners of congratulations
٣. على الوَرى قَصِيُّها والدَّاني
ونَثَرت أعلامُهَا التَّهاني
4. So it was a day unlike any other
When we received the news of Az-Zaheer
٤. فكانَ يوماً ماله مِن ثانِ
حينَ أتانا خَبَرُ الظَّهيرِ
5. Which the alliance of glory has attained
And the elite of the honorable heroes
٥. قد حازَهُ حِلفُ العِصامي
ونُخبَةُ الجَحاجِحِ الكِرامِ
6. And the joy of the nights and days
Muhammad son of the sublime perfect one
٦. وبَهجةُ اللَّيالي والأيَّامِ
مُحمدٌ نجلُ التهامي السَّامِي
7. Whose era is a crown over eras
The refined, cultivated leader
٧. مَن عصرُه تاجٌ على العُصورِ
القائد المُهَذَّبُ الأدَيبُ
8. Who is so gentle he almost melts
And all are beloved in his sight
٨. يَكادُ مَن لَطافةٍ يَذوبُ
والكلُّ في نَظرِهِ حَبيبُ
9. Therefore hearts have been presented to him
And his love has settled in chests
٩. لِذاك قُدِّمت له القُلوبُ
وحبُّه قد حلَّ في الصُّ
10. So when the news came to it
The people were elated with love for him and rejoiced
١٠. كذاكَ حينَ قد أتاها الخَبرُ
هامَ الورى بِحُبِّهِ واستَبشَروا
11. And praised and extolled him
And with prayer and praise perfumed
١١. وهَلَّلوا بمَدحِه وكبَّروا
وبالدُّعاءِ والثَّناءِ عَطَّروا
12. The might of the supported, victorious one
١٢. جلالةَ المُؤَيَّدِ المَنصورِ