1. The desire stirred him though he turned away haughtily,
So I said, "The staff of the grocer is moved by passion."
١. ألمَّ به الوَشِي فأعرَضَ هَازئاً
فقُلتُ قَضِيبُ البانِ حرَّكَه الهَوَى
2. The hidden pearl is not like a tear that hurt him when the air turned cold.
My love for the homelands that nourished me has dwelt
٢. ومَا اللُّؤلُؤ المكنونُ في الحُسنِ والصَّفَا
كدمعَةِ مَعمُودٍ أضرَّ به الجوَى
3. In my heart, though you cannot know what it has harbored there.
Whenever I encounter the causes of its sorrows,
٣. ثَوَى حبُّ أوطان غَذتنِي لِبَانَها
بِقلبِي وَما أدراكَ ما به قَد ثَوَى
4. My heart turns to that passion and wraps itself around it.
The vileness of souls did not stop me from its people,
٤. ولمَّا اُلاقِي مِن دَواعي سُلُؤِّهَا
وقلبِي علَى ذاكَ الغَرامِ قَدِ انطَوَى
5. For the vileness of souls is an illness that has no cure.
Time brought us sorrow and gloating enemies,
٥. فما صدَّني خبثُ النُّفوسِ مِنَ أهلِهَا
وخُبثُ النفُوسِ الدَّاءُ مالَه مِن دَوَا
6. Yet time is naught but the reversed fortunes of people.
I love you all, and God knows that I
٦. ألَدَّ بِنا الدهرُ الخؤُونُ شَماتَةً
وما الدهرُ إلاَّ صرفُ أهلِه لآسِوى
7. Love you - if only this were mutual between us!
٧. أُحبكُمُ واللهُ يعلَمُ أننِي
أُحبكُمُ يا ليتَ ذا بينَنا سَوَا