
God multiplied the throng of fools,

كثر الله زمرة الأغبياء

1. God multiplied the throng of fools,
And rewarded them well over the wise,

١. كَثَّر الله زُمرةَ الأَغبياءِ
وجزاهُم خيرا عنِ الأذكيَاء

2. And protected them from every eye
That would lead to their extinction and end.

٢. وَوقاهُم من كلِّ عَينٍ تُؤدِّي
بِهمُ لانقراَضهم وانقِضَائي

3. We could not exist without them, for if not
For them, the merit of wisdom would not shine.

٣. لا عَدِمنا لَهم وُجوداًفلولا
هُم لمَا بأن قطُّ فضلُ الذكاء

4. The ignorant and the wise attained equal
Status and position over the base rabble.

٤. وذَوو القَدرِ والمكَانةِ ساوَوا
غيرَهُم من حُثالةِ الدَّهمَاء

5. God created contrast for a mystery,
Nay, He embedded in it the wisdom of sages.

٥. خلقَ اللهُ في التَّبايُن سِرّاً
بل حوَى فيه حكمةَ الحُكماء

6. By it the scholar was distinguished from the ignorant,
And the generous from the clan of misers.

٦. فَبهِ امتازَ عالِمٌ من جَهُولٍ
وكَريمٌ عن زمرةِ البُخَلاء

7. Oh if not for them, every opposite
Would equal its opposite without great toil.

٧. آهِ لولاَهم لا استَوى كلُّ ضِدٍّ
مَعَ ضِدٍّ بلا كبيرِ عَنَاء

8. And among people good and evil would equal,
And light would equal the dark.

٨. واستَوى في الأنامِ خيرٌ وشرٌ
وتَساوى نورٌ معَ الظَّلماء

9. And so let there persist scoundrels and incompetents,
And lowly ones, and let the ignorant live.

٩. ولِذا فليَدُم لئامٌ وبُخَّا
لٌ وسُفلٌ وعاشَ أهلُ الغَبَاء