
O my leader, ransomed with my soul

أيها القائد المفدى بروحي

1. O my leader, ransomed with my soul
And my self and all that's precious

١. أيها القائد المُفدى بِرُوحي
وبنفسي وكل شيءٍ ثمينِ

2. I have come to lament my darkness to you, O beloved friend
Of passionate dreams, seen as a lion in its den

٢. جِئتُ أشكي ظُلامتي لكَ يا خي
رَ هُمامٍ يُرى وليثَ عَرينِ

3. I am a drum in which
Every filled and guarded cup makes music

٣. إنني طَبلَةٌ تَبَرَّجَ فِيها
كُلّ كاسٍ مُصبَّبٍ ومصونِ

4. And I prepared myself so that I might let in, from the people,
Joy, but they shun me

٤. وتَهَيَّأتُ كيما أدخلَ عن نا
سي السُّرُورَ لكنهُم يَهجُرُوني

5. Do they have the right, by your right, to do this?
By God, I am one with a sorrowful heart

٥. أبحقٍّ لهم بِحَقِّكَ هذا
إني والله ذاتُ قَلبٍ حَزِينِ

6. Especially as I am in your
Sublime presence, why do they leave me?

٦. سَيَما وأنا بحضرتِكَ العَا
لِيَةِ الشأنِ ما لَهُم يَترُكُوني

7. So if there is no excuse
In staying, then take my debts

٧. فَإِذا لم يكن هنالِكَ عُذرٌ
في قيامٍ فاقبض على دُيُوني