
Not the people's enmity, but God's enmity,

عدوة القوم بل عدوة الله

1. Not the people's enmity, but God's enmity,
I have taken him while the house had no protection.

١. عَدُوَّةَ القومِ بل عدُوَّةَ اللهِ
أخذتُه لك ما لِلبيتِ مِن نَاه

2. I have taken him when beauty in him was perfect,
While his glowing cheek grew youthful down.

٢. أخَذتُه حين أضحَى الحُسنُ مُكتَملاً
فِيه وطَرَّ نباتاً خَدُهُ الزَّاهِي

3. I have cut off from him the hopes of the greedy,
Of all who lusted for his brilliant beauty.

٣. قَطَعت مِنه رجَاءَ الطَّامعِين بِه
مِن كُلِّ ذي شَغَفٍ بحسنِه البَاهِي

4. Oh friends! What danger the matter holds!
Destiny forestalled, by God, by God!

٤. يا للرِّفَاقِ لِما في الأمرِ مِن خَطرٍ
حَتمٍ تدَاركَهُ واللهِ واللهِ

5. These shameless girls jostled against us, so they
Have taken all the beauty of the radiant face.

٥. زاحَمنَنا هؤُلاَءِ اللائطَاتُ فَقد
أخذنَ كلَّ جَميلِ الوَجهِ تَيَّاه