1. Congratulations on yesterday's loss when my right was wasted
And you got what you got in the stalks of precedence
١. هنِيئا بأَمسِ الأمسِ إذ ضَاع لِي حَقِّي
وقد نِلتَ ما قَد نِلتَ في قَصَبِ السَّبقِ
2. If he waters once then repeats just like it
From his eyelids you wouldn't know which one he waters
٢. إذا مَا سقَى رَاحا وأردَف مِثلَها
مِنَ اجفَانِه لَم تَدرِ أيَّهمَا يَسقِي
3. I gently wipe his shoulders with tenderness
So you understand my intention and thank me for my gentleness
٣. أُمَسِّحُ عَن أعطافِه بتَرفُّقٍ
فَتفهَمُ ما أَنوِي وتشكُرُ لي رِفقِي
4. Oh doe gazing at me with a glance
Her glance, by God, was eloquent without speech
٤. فيا هِرّةً ترنُو إلىَّ بنظرَةٍ
ونظرَتُها والهِ أغنَت عنِ النُّطقِ