1. Knowledge cannot be attained without learning
And without striving, there is no learning
١. هو العِلمُ لم يُدرَك بغيرِ تَعَلُّمِ
ودونَ اجتهادٍ لا يكون التَّعلُّمُ
2. It's said that knowledge gives you some of it
If you give it all, and vice versa you will know
٢. فقد قيلَ إن العِلمَ يُعطيكَ بَعضَهُ
إذا اعطَيتَه كُلا ولِلعَكسِ تَعلَمُ
3. From the cradle to the grave, seek it
As it came from those who taught and learned
٣. مِنَ المَهدِ حتى اللَّحدِ كُن له طالِباًُ
كما جاء عمَّن عَلَّمُوا وتَعلَّموا
4. And every young man who does not devote
His lifetime to seeking knowledge, no doubt will be deprived
٤. وكلُّ فتًى لم يَعتكف طولَ عُمرِه
على طَلبٍ لِلعلمِ لا شَكَّ يُحرَمُ
5. And he who does not dedicate his time and life
To it from his youth until he becomes old
٥. ومن لم يُكرِّس وقتَهُ وحياتَهُ
له مِن صِبا عُمرٍ إلى حينَ يَهرَمًُ
6. Will have no luck with it, nor will he obtain
Knowledge, so seeking knowledge is greatest
٦. فليس بهِ يَحظى ولا هو ظافِرٌ
بِعِلمٍ فَأخذُ العِلمِ من ذَاكَ أعظَمُ
7. And I see the new generation and its approach
Is the opposite of this, which I do not understand
٧. وإنِّي أرَى النَشءَ الجديدَ ونَهجَهُ
على عَكسِ هذا وهو ما لستُ أَفهمُ
8. Am I wrong in what I said, O Sheikh
Or am I right, so you are the judge
٨. فهل أنا فيما قلتُ يا شيخُ مُخطِىءٌ
أوانِي على حقٍّ فأنتَ المُحَكَّمُ