1. Let me forget the memory of the slender beauties
And the lamenting of a drawing destined for decay
١. دَعنِىَ مِن ذِكرِ حُدَاةِ الأَينُقِ
ونَدبِ رَسمٍ لِلبِلَى مُعتَنِق
2. And I view for it a vast horizon as a response
Where a soaring bird has stretched its wings
٢. وَارنُ لها جوَّابةً أُفقَ الفضَا
مَدَّت جَنَاحى طائِرٍ مُحَلِّق
3. It moves by night and by day and its movement
By day is like its movement in the darkness
٣. تسيرُ ليلاً وضُحًى وسَيرُهَا
رأدَ الضُّحَى كسَيرِها في الغَسَق
4. And when it speeds in its night
Like a shooting star piercing the gloom
٤. وهىَ إذا ما أسرَعَت في لَيلهَا
مِثلَ شِهابٍ للدُّجَى مُختَرِقِ
5. And it sometimes appears like a shining star
Suspended between the Pleiades and the ground
٥. وتارةً تبدُو كنجمٍ لاَمعٍ
بينَ الثُّريَّا والثَّرَى مُعَلَّقِ
6. The horizon surrounds it on all sides
And it is like a dot for the letter noon in the horizon
٦. أُفقُ الفضاءِ مَدَّنُوناً حولَها
وهىَ كَنقطةٍ لنُون الأفقِ
7. It spread out on the body of the air and was cloaked
From the sky in a blue gown
٧. افترشَت متنَ الهَوا والتحَفَت
من السماءِ برداءٍ أزرق
8. So sometimes from east to west
And other times from west to east
٨. فَتارةً مِن مشرقٍ لمَغرب
وتارةً مِن مَغربٍ لمَشرِق
9. And your moment on earth, its sister
Flows in the winding paths
٩. وليقف لحظُكَ بالأرضِ أُختهَا
تنسَابُ في مُنعَرَجاتِ الطُّرقِ
10. It races the wind so it remains behind it
And it raced its shadows which were not outrun
١٠. تُسابِقُ الرِّيحَ فَيبقَى خلفها
وسَابقَت ظِلاَّلهَا لَم يُسبَق
11. Like snakes behind their prey they ran
Wanting to catch up but could not reach
١١. كأُفعُوانٍ خلفَ صَيدِه جرَى
رامَ التِحَاقَه ولم يَلتَحِقِ
12. And its ribs have yearned for a beloved
Whose separation I could not endure
١٢. وقد حَنَت ضلُوعُها علَى حَبي
بٍ لفِراقِ شخصِه لم أطِقِ
13. An age with its miracles has been generous to us
With knowledge, arts and advancement
١٣. عَصرٌ بِمعجزاتِه جادَ لَنا
وبالعُلُوم والفنُونِ والرُّقِي
14. Human thought in it stands humbled
Before a painful reality that is hard to believe
١٤. يقفُ فِكرُ المَرءِ فيه صَاغِرا
أمَام واقعٍ ألمّا يَصدُقِ
15. Its greatest miracle, as you see
Is creating a personality that is unmatched
١٥. أكبرُ مُعجِزاتِه كما تَرَى
إيجَادُه شَخصِيَةً لم تُسبَقِ
16. He, he is the brilliant Al-Tahami
Who has won the supremacy among the elite
١٦. هُوَ هُوَ الباشا التهاميِّ الذي
قد حازَ في العليَاءِ قصبَ السَّبَقِ
17. Pasha, even kings esteem his position
So they may win a more fitting station
١٧. باشا مَقامَه الملوكُ ترتَجِي
لِكَى تفوزَ بالمَقامِ الأليَقِ
18. Through him, his age has become more glorious
Than all the past and future ages
١٨. مَن به عَصرُه قدِ ازدَهَى عَلَى
كلِّ العُصورِ ما مَضَى ومَا بَقِى
19. Glory has crowned him with the crown of might
And he sits on the throne of every heart
١٩. كلَّلَهُ المجدُ بتَاجِ عِزِّه
وهوَ بِعَرشِ كلِّ قَلبٍ مُرتَقِ
20. With a shining appearance whose light
Has risen in the universe like a sun on the horizon
٢٠. بِطلعَةٍ وضَّاءةِ بنُورهَا
قد أشرَقت في الكَون شمسُ الأُفُقِ
21. When he appears in his majestic awe
Which heart in his presence does not palpitate?
٢١. إذا تبدَّى في جلاَل هَيبَةٍ
فأىُّ قلبٍ عندهُ لم يخفِقِ
22. The heart of a needy person hoping and fearful
And the heart of a rebel fearful of separation
٢٢. فقلبُ مُحتَاجٍ رَجَاء خائِفٍ
وقلبُ بَاغٍ خَائِفٍ مِن فَرَقِ
23. You stand before him alone
As if you are before an army
٢٣. أمَامَه تَقف وهُوَ مُفرَدٌ
كأنَّمَا أنتَ أمامَ فيلَق
24. Whoever compares others to him is like
One who compares stars to a shining full moon
٢٤. مَن قَاس غَيرَهُ به فَهو كَمَن
نَجمَ السُّهَا قاسَ ببَدرٍ مُشرِقٍ
25. What can I say about a generous one, if
Anyone were called out in east or west
٢٥. ماذا أقولُ في كَريم لَو يُنَا
دَى أحدٌ في مَغربِ أو مَشرقِ
26. Who of you has not been covered by his blessings
All would fall silent and not speak a word
٢٦. مَن منكُمُ ما عمَّه نوَالُه
لخَرِسَ الكلُّ ولمَّا يَنطِقِ
27. Or it was said whoever drowned in the sea of his generosity
Would shout, all of us have drowned
٢٧. أو قيلَ مَن غَريقُ بَحرِ جُودِه
لَصَاح كلٌّ كلُّنا ذُو غَرَق
28. What can I say about a generous one who has shamed
The torrent before him so it did not flow
٢٨. ماذا أقولُ في كريمٍِ أخجلَ الس
سَيلُ أمامَه فلم يَندَفِق
29. As if before being asked, in generosity
He is a door to the sky flowing in abundance
٢٩. كأنَّه في الجُود قبلَ سُؤلِه
بابُ سَماءٍ سَحَّ في تدفُّقِ
30. Positions did not avail like virtues do
And gold did not avail him like leaves do
٣٠. مَناصبٌ لم تُغنِ عن مكَاسِبٍ
وذَهبٌ لم يُغنِه عن وَرِقِ
31. The fragrance of musk spreads when he is mentioned
Especially when mentioned with manners
٣١. يضُوعُ عَرفُ المِسكِ عندَ ذِكرِه
لا سِيمَا في ذكرِه بالخُلُقِ
32. Rather, every musk diffusing fragrance, without
Mentioning him, did not exude aroma
٣٢. بل كلُّ مِسكٍ عَبِقِ العَرفِ فمَا
بِغيرِ ذكرِه شَذاً لَم يَعبَقِ
33. A man of ambition adorned by humility
Like a plateau adorned with delicate flowers
٣٣. ذُو همَّةٍ قد زانَها تواضُعٌ
كهضَبَةٍ تَزهَى بزَهرٍ آنِقِ
34. When you sit with him conversing
You are like flowers blossoming
٣٤. إذا جلَستَ مَعَه مُذَاكِرا
فأنتَ للأزهَارِ ذو تَنَشُّقِ
35. So many witticisms that make
Minds work like aged vine
٣٥. فكَم وكَم مِن نُكتَةٍ تفعَلُ بِال
ألبَابِ فِعلَ القُرقُفِ المُعَتَّقِ
36. Wisdom after wisdom
In everything he says and pronounces
٣٦. كم حِكمةٍ مشفُوعَةٍ بحِكمَةٍ
في كُلِّ ما لَفظٍ له ومَنطِقِ
37. As if Luqman has become hidden
Under his eloquent agreeable tongue
٣٧. كأَنَّ لُقمان غَدا مُختَبئا
تحتَ لِسانِه البَليغِ الذَّلِقِ
38. And his face shines more every time
You glance at it when it beams
٣٨. ووَجهُه يزدادُ نوراً كلَّما
ردَّدتَ فيه الطُّرفَ لمَّا يَطرُقِ
39. Since you cannot withstand his awe
To see him manifest before you
٣٩. إذ لستَ تَقوَى مِن مَهابته أَن
ترَاهُ وهو فِيك ذو تَحَقُّقِ
40. A glance, if it sees him, recoils, dazzled
By the radiance of his shining face
٤٠. ألطَّرفُ إن رآه يرتَدُّ حَسي
را مِن ضيَاء وجههِ المُؤتَلقِ
41. Majesty walked before him humbled
So which person of status before him did not bow?
٤١. سَار أمامَه الجلالُ خاضِعا
فأىُّ ذي جَاهٍ له لم يُطرِقِ
42. He is the pinnacle of glory submitting
For he is glory's differentiating crown
٤٢. هو لِرَأسِ المجدِ أضحَى خاضِعا
لأنَّه للمجدِ تاجُ المَفرِقِ
43. When hearts in their passion disagree
They in love of its loftiness concur
٤٣. إذا القلوبُ في هوَاها افترَقَت
فهِىَ في حُبِّ عُلاها تَلتقِي
44. Seeing him is heartening for an arid heart
As if he is the direction of vitality
٤٤. مَرآه للقلبِ الكَليمِ مُنعِشٌ
كأنَّه صوبُ الحَياء الوَدقِ
45. The ages have not created his equal in
His lofty affair that none can attain
٤٥. ما أنجبَ الدهرُ مثيلاً لَهُ في
شأن عَلائِه الذِي لم يُلحَقِ
46. First he would call me a liar, and then bring one
If I said in what I said I am not truthful
٤٦. أولا فكَذّبني وجِىء بوَاحِدٍ
إِن قلتَ فيما قلتَ لم أصَدِّقِ
47. He whitened the face of his age with generosity and glory
So he is the pride of west and east
٤٧. بَيَّضَ وَجهَ دَهرِه جُوداً ومَج
دا فهوَ فَخرُ مَغربٍ ومَشرِقِ
48. He has insight into the unseen, so
Whatever he prophesies, you can trust
٤٨. تُخبِرُ عن غَيبٍ لَه فِراسَةٌ
فمَا تنبَّأَ به فَلتَثِقِ
49. His excellent traits have frustrated the endeavor
Of the abundant poetry of beautiful subtlety
٤٩. قد أعجزَت صِفاتُه الحُسنَى جَمي
عَ قالَةِ الشِّعرِ الكثيرِ الرَّونَقِ
50. Alas, the she-camel's gait cannot count them
And if it tried to count them, it would not endure
٥٠. هَيهَات مارامَ اليراعُ عدَّها
ولو يُراعِي رَامها لم يُطِقِ
51. But my poetry flourishes more by his praise
Like a necklace enhanced by the beauty of a neck
٥١. لكنَّ شِعري يَزدهي بِمدحهِ
كالعِقدِ يزدهِي بحُسن العُنُقِ
52. By Allah, were it not for him I would remain
Mute, renouncing poetry in discontent
٥٢. واللهِ لولاَه لَبِتُّ أبكَمَا
مُطَلِّقا لِلشِّعرِ دون حَنَقِ
53. The market of poetry would be dead without him
So no noble person of eloquent words would spend
٥٣. كَسَدَ سوقُ الشِّعر لَولاه فلاَ
حُرٌّ كريمُ القولِ إن لم يُنفِقِ
54. His benevolence has overwhelmed me, for he
Without whom my lute would not shine
٥٤. غَمَرنِي إحسانُه فهوَ الذِي
لولاَه عُودِي لم يَكن بالمُورِقِ
55. My Master, O You whose favors rained on me
In my despair and confusion
٥٥. مولاي يامن هطَلت علَىَّ نَع
مَاؤُه في مصطَبَحِي وغَبَقِي
56. By Allah, how and when can I
Fulfill a debt to You, I bend my neck
٥٦. باللّهِ إنى ومتَى وكيفَ لِي
أفِي بدَينٍ لك أحنَى عُنُقِي
57. No, no, I cannot endure it even if
I exhausted my refined poetry in praising You
٥٧. لا لاَ فما أنا مُطِيقٌ له لَو
اَفنيتُ في مَدحكَ شعرِي المُونَقِ
58. Even if on my cheek I wrote it and
Instead of ink, the blackness of my eyelids
٥٨. ولو علَى خدِّي كتَبتُه وكا
نَ عِوضَ الحِبرِ سوَادُ حَدَقِي
59. Bestow abundance on me, my Master
Yes, yes and may You be the best giver
٥٩. فأغدقَ النُّعمَى علىَّ سَيِّدي
نعَم نعم ولتَكُ خيرَ مُغدِقِ
60. If their praise is privileged with good tongues
Then praising him is privileged with good fragrance
٦٠. إِن خُصَّ مَدحُهم بطِيبِ ألسُنٍ
فمدحُهُ خُصَّ بِطِيبٍ عَبِقِ
61. Or if praised in words for them
Then by action, he makes praise real
٦١. أو خصَّ بالقولِ ثَناءً لهمُ
فَهوَ بفِعلٍ للثَّنَا مُحَقّقِ
62. Every great person who will come or passed
Or present, his glory did not attain
٦٢. كلُّ عظِيمٍ سوفَ يأتِي أو مَضَى
أو حاضِرٍ لمَجدِه لم يَلحَقِ
63. O lion of Africa and its master
And pride of its generous, foremost people
٦٣. يا لَيثَ إفرقيَا وسيِّدَهَا
وفَخرَ أهلِها الكرامِ السُبَّقِ
64. Whoever is not generous of palm should be
Eloquent of speech, generous man
٦٤. مَن لم يكن كريمَ كَفٍّ فليكُن
واشَقوَةً له كرِيمَ المَنطِقِ
65. The son of Za'ida has become surplus
And Dulaf, a man of dulaf in the paths
٦٥. إنَ ابنَ زائدةٍ أضحَى زائدا
ودُلَفٍ ذُو دُلَفٍ في الطُّرُقِ
66. The fortunate Master, son of the fortunate Master
Son of the fortunate Master
٦٦. ألسَّيِّدُ المُوَفَّقُ ابنُ السَيِّد ال
مُوَفَّقِ ابنِ السّيِّد المُوَفَّقِ