1. O abode, may you last, and may glory endure for you,
Your fortune among houses is peerless good fortune.
١. ألا دُمتِ يا دارُ ودامَ لكِ الجَدُّ
فسَعدُكِ بينَ الدُّورِ لا مِثلُه سَعدُ
2. You were built by a brother of wealth, treasures,
And behold, wealth, knowledge, and glory have come to you.
٢. بَناكِ أخُو مالٍ غِيرٍ وثروَةٍ
وهَا قد أتاك المالُ والعلم والمجدُ
3. And behold, verse, prose, and rhetoric have come to you,
And behold, the heart in everything has come to you when it appears.
٣. وها قد أتاكِ النظمُ والنثرُ والحِجَا
وهَا قد أتاكِ القلبُ في الكلِّ إذ يبدُو
4. You were once neglected in my keeping,
And the unique pearl was jealous when I kept you.
٤. وقد كُنتِ في الإهمالِ من قبلِ حَوزَتِي
وقد غَار لمَّا حُزتُكِ الجَوهرُ الفردُ
5. You have gained fame between homelands,
Where a noble or ignoble eye turns to you.
٥. وقد حُزتِ ما بين البرَيَةِ شُهرةً
يُردِّدُ فيكِ الطرفَ فاضلٌ أو وَغدُ
6. Is there in the world a house like the house of Murabit,
Called Ibrahim Al-Tayyar, and no other purpose?
٦. وهل في الورَى دارٌ كَدار مُرَابطٍ
بإبرَاهمَ التاطيرَ يُدعَى ولا قَصدُ
7. So may the tongue of state ever chant,
O abode, may you last, and may glory endure for you.
٧. فدَام لسانُ الحالِ يُنشِد دائماً
ألاَ دمتِ يا دارُ ودامَ لكِ الجَدُّ