1. The embers of passion with
Their burning flames in my body
١. وَجَمرَةُ الوَجنَةِ ذَا
تُ لَهَبٍ فِي بَدَنِ
2. And the pearls of your mouth, though
Those pearls have no price
٢. ودُرُّ ثَغرِكَ وَمَا
لِدُرِّهِ مِن ثَمَنِ
3. And the branch of your stature that
Has brought me ecstasy
٣. وَغُصنُ قَدِّكَ الذِي
منه الصُّدودَ أجتَني
4. And a glance for which
I was touched by what has touched me
٤. وَعارِضٌ من أَجلِه
قد مَسَّنِي مَا مَسَّنِي
5. And the night of a flock and the dawn
Of a cave in the meadows
٥. وليلُ طُرَّةٍ وصُب
حُ غُرَّةٍ في قَرَنِ
6. The Roman girls have not
The radiance of your eyes, glow of coral
٦. ما لِبَناتِ الرُّومِ زُر
قَ اللَّحظِ زُهرَ المَرنِ
7. Nor does the blue chrysocolla
Of sublime essence
٧. ولا لِفَصٍّ أَزرَقِ ال
لََونِ كريمِ المَعدِنِ
8. Nor, oh seducer of hearts
Do your fawn-like eyes
٨. ولا لِعَينَي أجدَلٍ
يا فِتنَةَ المُفتِنِ
9. Nor a sharp sword of Yemen
Wroth and angry
٩. ولا فِرِندٍ صارِمٍ
عَضبٍ سليلِ اليَمَنِ
10. Nor a wave that has passed
Nor the sky of my country
١٠. وَلاَ لِمَوجَةٍ صَفَت
ولا سَمَاءِ وَطَني
11. The blueness of your eyes with
Which you increase my troubles
١١. زُرقةُ عَينَيكَ الَّتي
بِها تَزيدُ مِحَني
12. Do not glance at me with them
For I, for I...
١٢. لا تَرنُ نحوي بِهِمَا
فَإِنَّني فَإِنَّني