1. Woe, then woe to Al-Bayyaz (the dismissed one)
Whose authority was stripped away
١. الويلُ ثم الويلُ للبيَّازِ
أصدارُه رُدَّت على الأعجَازِ
2. Dismissal is fatal poison for Al-Bayyaz
And being dismissed is the death of Al-Bayyaz
٢. العَزلُ للبيازِ سُمُّ نَاقِعٌ
والعَزلُ فيه مَوتَةُ البيَّاز
3. They said you were dismissed, and I said that is with consent
This consent is an enigma of enigmas
٣. قالوا عُزِلَت فقلتُ ذلِك عَن رِضىً
هذا الرِّضَى لُغزٌ مِن الألغاز
4. Oppressors over people, when they became tyrannical
Their dismissal by the Lord of people is the reward
٤. الجائرُونَ على العِبَاد إذا طَغَوا
فبِعزلِهم رَبُّ العِباد يُجَازِي
5. After dismissal they gave you the name Caliph
They actually replaced the truth with a metaphor
٥. مَنَحُوكَ بعَد العزلِ إسمَ خليفَةٍ
قَد أبدلُوكَ حقيقةً بِمَجازِ
6. You were not of those who would accept humiliation
Let alone reverence and glory
٦. ما كنتَ مِمَّن لا يُسامُ بِذِلَّةٍ
فضلاً عن الإعظامِ والإعزَازِ
7. But it is the time of scoundrels, so you don't see
Among them a scoundrel who is prominent
٧. لكنَّه زمنُ اللِّئامِ فما تَرى
فيه لئيما ليسَ بالمُمتاز
8. Indeed when the injustice of the unjust exceeded limits
His steps became quick to accomplish
٨. إنَّ الظَّلُومَ إذا تفاحَشَ ظُلمُه
كانت خُطاه سَريعةَ الإنجازِ
9. They dismissed you all from your positions for their own men
The competent, who deserve glory
٩. خَلُّوا المناصبَ عنكمُ لِرجالِها
أهلِ الكفاءَةِ وَاجبي التَّعزَاز
10. O Al-Bayyaz, rule yourself and the wilderness
And judge the dunes and sands
١٠. يا أيها البيازُ دُونَك والفَضَا
فاحكُم علَى الأبوَامِ والأبوَاز
11. As for returning a Caliph, that is far-fetched for you
Its matter is delusional, and know that it is false
١١. أمَّا الرجُوعُ خليفةً فمُجَوَّزٌ
لكَ أمرُه واعلم بأنَّه هَازِ