
The heart is full of fear of parting,

ألقلب من حذر النوى ملآن

1. The heart is full of fear of parting,
And patience is weak from intense passion.

١. أَلقلبُ من حَذَرِ النَّوى مَلآنُ
وَالصَّبرُ مِن فَرطِ الهَوى وَهنانُ

2. I could have concealed this love,
If it was possible for lovers to hide their love.

٢. قَد كَان يُمكِنُني أُكَاتِمُكَ الهَوى
لو صَحَّ من أهلِ الهَوى كِتمَانُ

3. The lover hides his love from others,
Unless proof of it shows on his face.

٣. فَالحُبُّ يُخفِيهِ المُحِبُّ عنِ الوَرى
مَا لَم يَقُم في وَجهِهِ بُرهَانُ

4. Parting came, Abu Al-Husain, so it brought me joy,
My tears betrayed me and my fortitude failed me.

٤. حَانَ الفِرَاقُ أَبا الحُسينِ فَأسعَدت
جَفني الدُّمُوعُ وَخانَني السُّلوَانُ

5. We were together and you were together, time arranged
Its moments for us while our enviers were enraged.

٥. كُنَّا وَكُنتم وَالزَّمَانُ صَفَت لنا
أَوقَاتُه وحَسودُنا غَيظَانُ

6. Now fate has frowned, though our fate was always
Treacherous, and our times have changed.

٦. والآن قَطَّبَ وَجهَهُ الدهرُ الخَؤو
نُ ومِن قَديمٍ دهرُنا خَوَّانُ

7. Who can have times and eras in order for him?
The mind of the wise is protected from the impossible.

٧. فَتغيَّرت أوقَاتُنا وَمَنِ الَّذي
تَصفو لَه الأَوقَاتُ والأزمانُ

8. Why did you not stop for a lover for a moment,
So he may complain of his burning, and his sorrows eased?

٨. لاَ تَعتَقد صَفواً يَدومُ لأهلِهِ
ذِهنُ اللَّبِيبِ عَنِ المُحَالِ يُصَانُ

9. He hopes for consolation for the agony he endures,
If there was someone like you to console him.

٩. هلا وَقفتَ إِلى مُحبٍّ ريثَما
يَشكُو الجَوى فَتُخَفَّفُ الأحزَانُ

10. And if his passion distressed him, and sadness revealed it,
Are secrecy and revelation equal?

١٠. يَرجُو السُّلُوَّ لِمَا بِهِ مِن لَوعَةٍ
لَو كَانُ يُوجدُ عندكم سُلوَانُ

11. Men of knowledge, dignitaries, princes,
Ministers and the Sultan mourned you.

١١. وَإِذَا أسَرَّ هَوَاهُ يُعلِنُهُ الأسَى
هَل يَستَوِي الإسرَارُ وَالإعلاَنُ

12. After you, O Ali, achievements will remain
Whose existence will be guaranteed by time.

١٢. فُجِعَت بِكَ القُرَّاءُ والكُبَرَاءُ وال
أُمَرَاءُ وَالوُزَرَاءُ والسُّلطَانُ

13. This felicity, whenever you adorned it,
Minds were fascinated by the magic of your rhetoric.

١٣. وَتَرَكتَ بَعدَكَ يا عليُّ مَآثِراً
بِبَقَائها تَتَكَفَّلُ الأزمَانُ

14. How many sayings have you made elegant,
So caravans competed in transmitting them!

١٤. هذي السَّعادةُ كُلَّمَا دبَّجتَها
فُتِنَت بِسِحرِ بَيَانِها الأَذهانُ

15. You left them as a legacy for the brothers of purity
To pour upon them, if passions aroused.

١٥. كَم مِن مَقَالاَتٍ بها نَمَّقتَها
فَتنافَسَت بِحَديثِها الرُّكبَانُ

16. The gifted writer is he who said rhetoric,
For you are the gifted writer.

١٦. أبقَيتَهَا أثَراً لإخوانِ الصَّفَا
تَصبُو لَهمُ إن هَاجَتِ الأشجَانُ

17. Or when the doctor hurried you away from this life
To meadows adorned with profits.

١٧. وَالكَاتبُ الفَنَّانُ مَنَ قالَ البَيا
نُ له لأنتَ الكَاتِبُ الفَنَّانُ

18. You hastened obediently without hesitation,
For bodies fear doctors.

١٨. أوَ حِينَ أعجَلكَ الطَّبيبُ عَنِ الذَّها
بِ إلى رُبُوعٍ بِالرُّبى تَزدَانُ

19. Did longing for it move you, or did longing for you
And mercy and affection move it?

١٩. أسرَعتَ مُمتَثِلاً بِغَيرِ تَهَاوُنٍ
إنَّ الطَّبِيبَ تَخافُهُ الأَبدَانُ

٢٠. أو هَزَّكُم شَوقٌ لها أم هَزَّها
شَوقٌ إِليكَ وَرَحمَةٌ وَحَنَانُ