
It is a victory that came after victory

هو نصر قد جاء يعقب نصرا

1. It is a victory that came after victory
And so is the horizon, star after star

١. هو نصرٌ قد جاء يَعقُبُ نَصراً
وكذا الأفقُ نَجمَةٌ تِلوَ أخرى

2. Continuing until the dawn rises
When it is time for it to shine brightly

٢. يَتَوالى حتى يَحينَ منَ الإش
راقِ وقتٌ لها فتَسطعُ فَجرا

3. Such is the way of every wicked transgressor
Who planted evil and reaped evil

٣. هكذا شأنُ كلِّ باغٍ أثيمٍ
زَرَعَ الشَّرَّ فهو يحصُد شَرَّا

4. Corsica, the home of lions, refuses
To see dens for foxes within it

٤. كورسيكا مَوطِنُ اللُّيوثِ فتَأبى
أن تَرى فيها لِلثَّعالب وَكرَا

5. The fortunes of individuals are like the fortunes of nations
Now suffering, now prospering

٥. مثلُ حَظِّ الأفرادِ حظُّ شُعوبٍ
فهيَ طَوراً تَشقى وتَسعدُ طَورا

6. It did not increase their certainty beyond certainty
For with it, before it happened, they were most knowing

٦. لم يَزِدهُم على يقينٍ يَقيناً
فَبِه قَبلَ وقعِه همُ أدرى

7. Rather, it brought them a banner of victory
After it had come to them secretly and openly

٧. بل أتاهُم بِرايةٍ لانتِصارٍ
طالما قد أتاهُ سِرًّا وجَهرا

8. And if the beginning was a clear conquest
Then the ending is even more deserving

٨. وإذا البَدءُ كانَ فَتحاً مُبيناً
فختامٌ مِن بابِ أولى وأحرى

9. Evil befell them, for they thought it
Would be a palace for them, but found it a grave

٩. ساء فالٌ لَهم فقد حَسِبوها
لَهُمُ قَصراً لكنَ ألفوَه قبرا

10. The secret of life is obscure, so the youth
Does not know life's secret until he lives it secretly

١٠. غامضٌ سِرُّ ذي الحَياةِ فما يَد
ري الفَتى لِلحياةِ ما عاشَ سِرّاً

11. How many glorious ones walk quickly
Yet are dragged to ruin and decay

١١. كم مُجِدٍّ يَسيرُ سَيراً حَثيثاً
وهوَ لِلحَتفِ والرَّدى جُرَّ جَرَّا

12. They surrounded them there with a host of captives
Who had planted fangs and claws in the wolves

١٢. حاط فيها بِهِم منَ الأسرِ جَيشٌ
غَرَسوا في الذِّئابِ ناباً وظُفرا

13. They resolved while hungry, but
Were fed bitterness, poison, and patience

١٣. يَمَّموها وهُم جِياعٌ ولكن
اُطعِموا عَلقماً وصاباً وصِبرا

14. A base suitor does no harm to the beautiful one
If her spirit remains aloof from him afterwards

١٤. لا يَضيرُ الحسناءَ يَخطُبُها فَد
مٌ لها كانت روحُه بَعدُ مَهرا

15. They sought her back as a dwelling place
So she lent them her belly as a dwelling place

١٥. طَلَبوا ظهرَها لَهُم مُستَقَرَّا
فأعارَتهُم بطنَها مُستَقَرَّا

16. As consolation for their defeat, consolation
May God magnify your reward in victory

١٦. فلِهِتلِيرِهِم عَزاءً عَزاءً
عظَّم اللهُ في انتِصاركَ أجرا

17. They veiled the sky from them with an army
Raining thunderbolts down upon them

١٧. حجَبوا عنهُم السَّماءَ بِجُندٍ
مُمطِرٍ فَوقَهُم صَواعِقَ تَترى

18. Then they closed upon them every door
To hoped-for salvation, by land and sea

١٨. ثم سَدُّوا علَيهِمُ كُلَّ بابٍ
لِلنَّجاةِ المُرَجَّاةِ بِرّاً وبَحرا

19. And came to them as if in peace
Have you seen a pigeon sight a falcon?

١٩. وأتَوهُم كأنَّهم في سَلامٍ
هل رأيتَ الحَمامَ أبصرَ صَقرا

20. So a prisoner was no use to a casualty
And a casualty did not avail them a prisoner

٢٠. فأَسيرٌ لم يُغنِ عنه قَتيلٌ
وقتيلٌ لم يُغنِهم عنهُ أسرى

21. They glared at them and cried, "Surrender!"
"And know that from your destruction there is no escape"

٢١. أحدَقوا بِهِم ونادَوا هلُمُّوا
واعلَموا مِن هَلاَكِكُم لا مَفَرَّا

22. It is a victory that came to prove
What the people of resolve said openly

٢٢. هو نَصرٌ أتى يُبَرهِنُ عَمَّا
كانَ أهلُ النُّهى تَقولُه جَهرا

23. They did not live above it except briefly
In the end they thought it an age

٢٣. لم يَعيشوا من فوقِها غَيرَ نَزر
حَسِبوهُ في آخِرِ الأمرِ دَهرا