1. Your tongues are always repeating pride,
If one of our leaders dies, another leader arises,
١. لِسَانُكُم بالفخرِ دوماً يُردِّدُ
إذا مَات منَّا سيِّد قام سَيِّد
2. For the sons of Tazi are honorable and esteemed,
When they are mentioned, they are praised,
٢. فإنَّ بني التازي كِرامٌ أجِلَّةٌ
إذا ذُكِروا فالذِّكرُ منهُمُ يُحمَدُ
3. Renewing the memory of the late departed one,
And his resting place among us is hearts and everlasting,
٣. مُجَدِّدُ ذكرٍ للفقيدِ الذِي مضَى
ومَضجَعُه مِنَّا قلوبٌ وأكيدُ
4. You came and purified the country from sins,
So they are an eye for you, and you are supported,
٤. أتيتَ فطهَّرتَ البلادَ مِن الخَنا
فهُم لكُمُ عينٌ وإِنكَ إثمِدُ
5. You filled the hearts of all with love and joy,
As if you were rain pouring down on the land, chasing away,
٥. ملأت قلوبَ الكلِّ حبا وغبطةً
كأنك صوبُ الغيثِ للمَحلِ يطرُدُ
6. And they witnessed from you faith and piety,
So blood for piety and religion, and God bears witness,
٦. وقد شهِدوا منك الديانَة والتُّقَى
فدُم للتُّقَى والدينِ فاللهُ يَشهَدُ
7. And whoever's heart is full for the Master,
The Master is always a helper and supporter for him,
٧. ومن كَان بالمولَى فؤادهُ عامِرا
فدَوما له المولى مُعينٌ مُعضِّدُ
8. So you have always been an ally of virtues and high moral values,
Its glory on the horizon of happiness ascends,
٨. فلا زلتَ حِلفا للمكارِم والعُلَى
سناؤُه في أفق السَّعادةِ يَصعَدُ
9. Especially in the era of the one with whom we have a pact,
On his brow the crown of pride is placed,
٩. ولا سيَما في عهدِ من به عهدُنا
على هامِه تاجُ المفاخِرُ يُعقَدُ
10. And no wonder, for he is the one ransomed with our souls,
And no wonder, for he is the King Mohammed.
١٠. ولا عجبٌ فهوَ المفَدَّى بِنفسنا
ولا عجبٌ فهوَ المليكُ محمَّدُ