1. O Abu Hasan, long has been the wait of the comrades
Your promise is hoped for by the free and noble
١. أبا حسنٍ طال انتظارُ عصَابةٍ
رَجَتكَ لما يُرجَى له الماجدُ الحرُّ
2. The appointed time has come, nay it has passed
Were it not for hopes, their binding pledge would be void
٢. وقد حان بل قد هانَ لولا المطال أن
يحلَّ لهم عن وعدك الموثَقِ الأسرُ
3. They have missed your nearness and their wishes
Your choice and fate has opposed them
٣. وقد فاتهم من قربكَ الأُنسُ والمنى
وحَارَبَهُم فيك اختيارُكَ والدهر
4. If you have replaced them with others
Comfort their souls to forget their thoughts
٤. فإن كنتَ قد عُوَّضتَ عنهم بغيرِهم
فَعَوَّضهم راحاً يزول بها الفكرُ
5. For a young man's companion in life is precious
Without a loyal friend, there is only wine
٥. فأُنسُ الفتى في الدهرِ خِلٌّ مساعدٌ
وإن فاتَه الخِلُّ المساعدُ فالخمرُ
6. Either send a messenger with wine hastening
Else be not angry if poetry rages
٦. فإمَّا رسولٌ بالنبيذ مُبَادِرٌ
وإلا فلا تغضب إذا غضبَ الشِّعرُ