
Make the most of two rak'ahs of worship if at ease,

إغتنم ركعتين زلفى إلى الله

1. Make the most of two rak'ahs of worship if at ease,
Turning to God when you have nothing to do.

١. إِغتَنِم رَكعَتَينِ زُلفى إِلى اللَـ
ـهِ إِذا كُنتَ فارِغاً مُستَريحا

2. And if you intend to say something wrong out loud,
Replace it with words of praise for the Lord on high.

٢. وَإِذا ما هَمَمتَ بِالقَولِ في البا
طِنِ فَاِجعَل مَكانَهُ تَسبيحا