
Some people find pleasure in worship and piety

تنعم قوم بالعبادة والتقى

1. Some people find pleasure in worship and piety
The sweetest of pleasures, not intoxication with wine

١. تنعّم قوم بالعبادة والتقى
ألذّ النعيم، لا اللذاذة بالخمر

2. Throughout their lives, they were made content by it
And it was for them - by God - provisions for the grave

٢. فقرّت به طول الحياة عيونهم
وكانت لهم ـ والله ـ زادا الى القبر

3. For a while, they attained through it might and piety
Lo, sweet is living with righteousness and patience

٣. على برهة نالوا بها العز والتقى
ألا ولذيذ العيش بالبرّ والصبر