
The lazy were deceived by their hopes

لقد كذب الآمال من كان كسلانا

1. The lazy were deceived by their hopes,
And dreams suit most he who slept well,

١. لقد كذبَ الآمالَ من كان كسلانا
وأجدرُ بالأحلامِ من باتَ وسنانا

2. And he who did not suffer hardship in his every affair,
Saw every affair end with abandonment,

٢. ومن لم يعانِ الجدَّ في كل أمرهِ
رأى كل أمرٍ في العواقبِ خذلانا

3. And a man is nothing but his effort and diligence,
And nothing but these two are a man's helpers,

٣. وما المرءُ إلا جدهُ واجتهادُهُ
وليس سوى هذينِ للمرءِ أعوانا

4. As if people race towards a goal,
And this arena has been cleared for that,

٤. كأن الورى يجرونَ طراً لغايةٍ
وقدْ دُحيتْ هذي البسيطة ميدانا

5. So he who was bold succeeded through his effort,
And he who remained confused was afflicted with misery,

٥. فمن كانَ مقداماً فَقَد فاز جَدُهُ
وباءَ بكلِّ الويلِ من ظلَ حيرانا

6. So do not retire if an opportunity urges you,
Nor disdain something small even if it is disgraced,

٦. فلا تتقاعدْ إن تلحْ لك فرصةٌ
ولا تزدرِ الشيءَ الحقيرَ وإن هانا

7. Nor blame the ethics of the generous for the human
Has become human through his ethics.

٧. ولا تعدُ أخلاق الكرام فإنما
بأخلاقه الإنسانُ قد صار إنسانا