
My eyes saw him on his throne

رأته عيني فوق كرسيه

1. My eyes saw him on his throne
Like the sun or more splendid than the sun

١. رأتهُ عيني فوقَ كرسيهِ
كالشمسِ أو أبهى من الشمسِ

2. Like Solomon on his throne
Ruling between the jinn and mankind

٢. مثلَ سليمانَ على عرشهِ
يحكمُ بينَ الجنِّ والأنسِ

3. So the reproacher said to me, I believed not
To deny in it the verse of the Throne

٣. فقالَ لي العاذلُ آمنتُ ما
أجحدُ فيهِ آيةَ الكرسي