
O bird, why have you flown from sleep

ูŠุง ุทูŠุฑ ู…ุง ู„ู„ู†ูˆู… ู‚ุฏ ุทุงุฑุง

1. O bird, why have you flown from sleep
When we had not finished our circles

ูก. ูŠุง ุทูŠุฑู ู…ุง ู„ู„ู†ูˆู…ู ู‚ุฏ ุทุงุฑุง
ูˆู…ุง ู‚ุถูŠู†ุง ู…ู†ู‡ู ุฃูˆุทุงุฑุง

2. As if this wakefulness does not end
Seeking revenge from our eyelids

ูข. ูƒุฃู† ู‡ุฐุง ุงู„ุณู‡ุฏูŽ ู„ุง ูŠุฃุชู„ูŠ
ูŠุทู„ุจู ู…ู† ุฃุฌูุงู†ู†ุง ุซุงุฑุง

3. If you are thirsty, here are my tears
They have burst forth on earth like rivers

ูฃ. ุฅู† ูƒู†ุชูŽ ุธู…ุขู†ูŽ ูุฐูŠ ุฏู…ุนูŠ
ุชูุฌุฑูŽุชู’ ููŠ ุงู„ุฃุฑุถู ุฃู†ู‡ุงุฑุง

4. Or if you wanted dye, then take
A piece of my heart however it becomes

ูค. ุฃูˆ ูƒู†ุชูŽ ุฐุง ู…ุณุจุบุฉู ูุงู„ุชู‚ุท
ุญุจุฉูŽ ู‚ู„ุจูŠ ูƒูŠูู…ุง ุตุงุฑุง

5. Or if you were longing, then be like us
O bird, patient in love

ูฅ. ุฃูˆ ูƒู†ุชูŽ ู…ุดุชุงู‚ุงู‹ ููƒู† ู…ุซู„ู†ุง
ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ู‡ูˆู‰ ูŠุง ุทูŠุฑ ุตุจุงุฑุง

6. And settle near me if you are my companion
For the best company is one who has settled

ูฆ. ูˆุฌุงุฑู†ูŠ ุฅู† ูƒู†ุชูŽ ู„ูŠ ุตุงุญุจุงู‹
ูุฅู† ุฎูŠุฑูŽ ุงู„ุตุญุจู ู…ู† ุฌุงุฑู‰

7. O bird, how much time is there in love
Where life seems like lifetimes

ูง. ูŠุง ุทูŠุฑู ูƒู… ููŠ ุงู„ุญุจู‘ู ู…ู† ุณุงุนุฉู
ุชุฎุงู„ู ููŠู‡ุง ุงู„ุนู…ุฑูŽ ุฃุนู…ุงุฑุง

8. If I say, 'It preoccupies my thoughts'
Thoughts have rushed through thoughts

ูจ. ุฅู† ู‚ู„ุชู ุชู„ู‡ูŠู†ูŠ ุจู‡ุง ููƒุฑุฉูŒ
ุฌุฑุช ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ุฃููƒุงุฑ ุฃููƒุงุฑุง

9. Or I say 'I forget it' then love
Lights its embers in my heart to remind me

ูฉ. ุฃูˆ ู‚ู„ุชู ุฃู†ุณุงู‡ุง ุฃู‚ุงู…ูŽ ุงู„ู‡ูˆู‰
ู…ู† ุญุฑู‡ุง ููŠ ุงู„ู‚ู„ุจู ุชุฐูƒุงุฑุง

10. And the lover never stops in confusion
That increases his sorrow and gloom

ูกู . ูˆุงู„ุตุจู‘ู ู…ุง ูŠู†ููƒู‘ู ููŠ ุญูŠุฑุฉู
ุชุฒูŠุฏูู‡ู ุญุฒู†ุงู‹ ูˆุฃูƒุฏุงุฑุง

11. Why do I see the birds wailing
As if they have lost their wings

ูกูก. ู…ุง ู„ูŠ ุฃุฑู‰ ุงู„ุฃุทูŠุงุฑูŽ ู†ูˆุงุญุฉู‹
ูƒุฃู†ู…ุง ูุงุฑู‚ู†ูŽ ุฃุทูŠุงุฑุง

12. And why do the branches of the bushes meet
As if they share secrets

ูกูข. ูˆู…ุง ู„ุฃุบุตุงู†ู ุงู„ุฑู‘ูุจู‰ ุชู„ุชู‚ูŠ
ูƒุฃู†ู…ุง ูŠุจุซุซู†ูŽ ุฃุณุฑุงุฑุง

13. So ask the morning breeze if it passes me
Did the loved one carry news

ูกูฃ. ูุงุณุฃู„ ู†ุณูŠู…ูŽ ุงู„ุตุจุญู ุฅู† ู…ุฑู‘ูŽ ุจูŠ
ู‡ู„ ุญู…ู„ุชู‡ู ุงู„ุบูŠุฏู ุฃุฎุจุงุฑุง

14. And ask about the homes, and would that
One day I visit this house

ูกูค. ูˆุณู„ู’ ุนู† ุงู„ุฏูŠุงุฑู ูˆูŠุง ู„ูŠุชู†ูŠ
ุฃุฒูˆุฑ ูŠูˆู…ุงู‹ ู‡ุฐู‡ู ุงู„ุฏุงุฑุง

15. Itโ€™s like paradise, but I
Have kindled fire in my love for it

ูกูฅ. ูƒุฃู†ู‡ุง ุงู„ุฌู†ุฉู ู„ูƒู†ู†ูŠ
ุฃุจุทู†ุชู ู…ู† ูˆุฌุฏูŠ ุจู‡ุง ุงู„ู†ุงุฑุง

16. Its sky has rising stars
And its land gives birth to moons

ูกูฆ. ุณู…ุงุคู‡ุง ู…ุทู„ุนุฉูŒ ุฃู†ุฌู…ุง
ูˆุฃุฑุถูู‡ุง ุชุทู„ุนู ุฃู‚ู…ุงุฑุง

17. And how much kohl is in it, if it glanced
It would captivate you in a moment

ูกูง. ูˆูƒู…ู’ ุจู‡ุง ู…ู† ุฃูƒุญู„ู ุฅู† ุฑู†ุง
ุณู„ุชู’ ู„ูƒูŽ ุงู„ุฃุฌูุงู†ู ุจุชุงุฑุง

18. And if she walked, her coquetry would confuse you
And sway for you gracefully

ูกูจ. ูˆุฅู† ู…ุดู‰ ูŠุฎุทุฑู ููŠ ุชูŠู‡ู‡ู
ู‡ุฒู‘ูŽุช ู„ูƒูŽ ุงู„ุฃุนุทุงููŽ ุฎุทุงุฑุง

19. I donโ€™t deny witchcraft, and her glance
Has become a magician among people

ูกูฉ. ู„ุง ุฃู†ูƒุฑู ุงู„ุณุญุฑูŽ ูˆุฐุง ุทุฑูู‡ู
ุฃุตุจุญูŽ ุจูŠู†ูŽ ุงู„ู†ุงุณู ุณุญู‘ูŽุงุฑุง

20. O beauty of the youth, despite his aloofness
One does not love by choice

ูขู . ูŠุง ูุงุชู†ูŽ ุงู„ุตุจู‘ู ุนู„ู‰ ุฑุบู…ู‡ู
ูˆุงู„ู…ุฑุกู ู„ุง ูŠุนุดู‚ู ู…ุฎุชุงุฑุง

21. One time estrangement, another intimacy
Is this how we create circles?

ูขูก. ุทูˆุฑุงู‹ ุจู†ุง ู‡ุฌุฑูŒ ูˆุทูˆุฑุงู‹ ู†ูˆู‰ู‹
ุฃู‡ูƒุฐุง ู†ุฎู„ู‚ู ุฃุทูˆุงุฑุง

22. If they compared the full moon to a coin
They would compare your face to a golden dinar

ูขูข. ู„ูˆ ุดุจู‡ูˆุง ุจุฏุฑูŽ ุงู„ุณู…ุง ุฏุฑู‡ู…ุงู‹
ู„ุดุจู‡ูˆุง ูˆุฌู‡ูƒูŽ ุฏูŠู†ุงุฑุง

23. And how much poetry have I composed about you
It's too momentous to be considered mere poetry

ูขูฃ. ูˆูƒู… ุฏุฑุงุฑู ููŠูƒูŽ ู†ุธู‘ูŽู…ุชูู‡ุง
ุชุฌู„ู‘ู ุฃู† ุชุญุณุจูŽ ุฃุดุนุงุฑุง

24. If Bashar narrated the likes of it
They would give him the banner of poetry

ูขูค. ู„ูˆ ุฃู† ุจุดุงุฑุงู‹ ุญูƒู‰ ู…ุซู„ู‡ุง
ุฃุนุทูˆุง ู„ูˆุงุกูŽ ุงู„ุดุนุฑู ุจุดุงุฑุง

25. The sun appeared to us out of envy
Her clothes dyed red

ูขูฅ. ู„ุงุญุชู’ ู„ู†ุง ูˆุงู„ุดู…ุณู ู…ู† ุบูŠุธู‡ุง
ู‚ุฏู’ ุถุฑุฌุชู’ ุฃุซูˆุงุจู‡ุง ุจุงู„ุฏู…ู

26. A coquette, her stinginess has not ceased
And she has squeezed her paradise in her mouth

ูขูฆ. ูุงุชู†ุฉูŒ ู…ู† ุจุฎู„ู‡ุง ู„ู… ุชุฒู„ู’
ูˆุฌู†ุชูู‡ุง ู…ุนุตูˆุฑุฉู‹ ููŠ ุงู„ูู…ู

27. I have not seen an ascetic, seeing an ascetic
Except the lovesick complains to the lovesick

ูขูง. ูู…ุง ุฃุฑุงู‡ุง ุฑุงู‡ุจูŒ ุฑุงู‡ุจุงู‹
ุฅู„ุง ุดูƒุง ุงู„ู…ุบุฑู…ู ู„ู„ู…ุบุฑู…ู

28. By my father you are, O gazelle, and my soul
My heart, the light of my eye and my eye

ูขูจ. ุจุฃุจูŠ ุฃู†ุชูŽ ูŠุง ุบุฒุงู„ู ูˆุฑูˆุญูŠ
ูˆูุคุงุฏูŠ ูˆู†ูˆุฑู ุนูŠู†ูŠ ูˆุนูŠู†ูŠ

29. You are like the rising full moon but
In the darkness of hearts and eyelids

ูขูฉ. ุฃู†ุชูŽ ูƒุงู„ุจุฏุฑู ุญูŠู† ูŠุทู„ุนู ู„ูƒู†ู’
ููŠ ุณูˆุงุฏู ุงู„ู‚ู„ูˆุจู ูˆุงู„ู…ู‚ู„ุชูŠู†ู

30. If those who said 'three' saw you
After fatigue, they would triple the moons

ูฃู . ู„ูˆ ุฑุขูƒูŽ ุงู„ุฐูŠู†ูŽ ู‚ุงู„ูˆุง ุซู„ุงุซูŒ
ุจุนุฏูŽ ูˆู‡ู†ู ู„ุซู„ุซูˆุง ุงู„ู‚ู…ุฑูŠู†ู

31. The necklace fluttered on your chest, and the heart flapped,
Are you the owner of the two flutterers?

ูฃูก. ุฎูู‚ูŽ ุงู„ุญู„ูŠ ููˆู‚ูŽ ุตุฏุฑูƒูŽ ูˆุงู„ู‚ู„
ุจู ูู‡ู„ ุฃู†ุชูŽ ู…ุงู„ูƒู ุงู„ุฎุงูู‚ูŠู†ู

32. And I see magic in the eyes, have you come
With it from Babylon to the sorcerers?

ูฃูข. ูˆุฃุฑู‰ ุงู„ุณุญุฑูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ุนูŠูˆู†ู ูู‡ู„ ุฌุฆ
ุชูŽ ุจู‡ุง ุจุงุจู„ุงู‹ ุฅู„ู‰ ุงู„ุณุงุญุฑูŠู†ู

33. And in your cheek are two gardens, but
In my heart is an inferno from the two gardens

ูฃูฃ. ูˆุจุฎุฏูŠูƒู ุฌู†ุชุงู†ู ูˆู„ูƒู†ู’
ููŠ ูุคุงุฏูŠ ู„ุธู‰ู‹ ู…ู† ุงู„ุฌู†ุชูŠู†ู

34. O judges of passion, by what law
Can you come between the lover and his beloved?

ูฃูค. ูŠุง ู‚ุถุงุฉูŽ ุงู„ุบุฑุงู…ู ููŠ ุฃูŠู‘ู ุดุฑุนู
ุฃู† ูŠุญูˆู„ูˆุง ุจูŠู†ูŽ ุงู„ุญุจูŠุจู ูˆุจูŠู†ูŠ

35. In your hands is a gazelle prisoner from the West
Who has captive the East and the West

ูฃูฅ. ููŠ ูŠุฏูƒู…ู’ ุบุฑูŠู…ูŒ ุธุจูŠ ู…ู† ุงู„ุบุฑ
ุจู ุณุจู‰ ุงู„ู…ุดุฑู‚ูŠู†ู ูˆุงู„ู…ุบุฑุจูŠู†ู

36. So fear Allah for a slain beloved
Whose blood spilled like al-Husseinโ€™s

ูฃูฆ. ูุงุชู‚ูˆุง ุงู„ู„ู‡ูŽ ููŠ ู‚ุชูŠู„ู ุญุจูŠุจู
ุญุณู†ู ุทูู„ู‘ูŽ ุฏู…ู‡ู ูƒุงู„ุญุณูŠู†ู