1. We said to her, "Give it to us,"
But she said "What give? What's its meaning?"
١. وأغيدٍ قلنا لها هاتِها
فقالَ ما هاتِ ومعناها
2. As if we had no ribs
That we bent to her love,
٢. كأنما ليسَ لنا أضلعٌ
على هواهُ قد طويناها
3. No rose was on her cheek
That gained more beauty if we plucked it.
٣. ولم تكنْ في خدِّهِ وردةٌ
تزيدُ حسناً إن قطفناها
4. We said to him, "It's a kiss then -
Every lover has wished for it."
٤. قلنا لهُ تلكَ إذنْ قبلةٌ
كلُّ محبّ قد تمناها
5. Yet he kept refusing us his cheek
Until we finally took it.
٥. فلم يزلْ يمنعنا خدَهُ
ولم تزلْ حتى أخذناها